Flashlights Everywhere



Hey Everyone,

I'm glad I found this sight. I didn't think there was one that existed. However, I've been a flashlight nut for YEARS!! When I was younger I'd ride my bike to Thrifty's (I'm from CA), or the local hardware store and see what new flashlights they had.

Anyhow, I own a mini Maglite, a UKE SL-4, and a 2-D Maglite. I'm making some disaster/survival kits so... I'm looking for some good ideas for flashlights... I've been looking at Pelican Mitylites, UKE 300, and Streamlight 2AA.

Welcome aboard!
You've got a lot of catching up to do. For Disaster lights I'd stick with LED's and standard batteries for the most part. A light you could put a couple lithium AA's and know it's good for 10 years. Then you could supplement with fresh AA's (which most of us have at any given time).
Nix the streamlight and go for the Opalec mini-mag mod.
Check out all the ARC lights.
You will also want at least one light with "throw" so you'll need a surefire M3.

There are so many lights to choose from; Underwater Kinetics makes a model called the UK 4AA that's both inexpensive, and quite bright, with decent burn time (5-6 hrs). It's tough, lightweight, and compact.

A website that has lots of flashlights, and one of my favorites, is www.brightguy.com
They list specs. and have pictures for many lights, and other useful information. They aren't always the least expensive place to buy lights, but they stock a huge inventory of lights, with spare lamps and acessoreies for almost all of them. They offer top notch service, if you decide to order from them.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gandalf:

A website that has lots of flashlights, and one of my favorites, is www.brightguy.com
They list specs. and have pictures for many lights, and other useful information. They aren't always the least expensive place to buy lights, but they stock a huge inventory of lights, with spare lamps and acessoreies for almost all of them. They offer top notch service, if you decide to order from them.


I just ordered a UK 2AAA w/ Fiber Optic Extension from brightguy.com (It happened to be one of their specials, and it was a UK light so I had to get it
My concern mainly is waterproof-ness, and overall ruggedness. The light I just ordered will go in my car probably... depends.. my SL-4 might take the place of my 2-D mag, for a car light. However the PrincetonTec Attitude looks like a winner for long-lasting, fairly bright, AND waterproof-ness...
You might want to get hold of Brightguy & add a Responder to your order. They have them on clearance & they're very good 2AAA lights. For the 2D Mag, get you a 4.5V 3LED (or 4)PR base bulb from John B over on the SALE board & convert the your 2D to a 3C. TX
This has been discussed before in the two topics here and here. I think you'll find some fairly useful info there.

I also like the UK2L - it is a tough, bright little light with good runtime. However, for emergency kits, the UK Mini Q40 may be better - it is as bright and tough as the 2L, but uses standard AA cells, which are a better choice for a survival kit.
I have a 2L in my earthquake kit here, but will be replacing it with a Mini Q40 soon.

Also, a CMG Infinity is also a good choice - very solidly built, uses a AA cell, and very long runtime (40 hours..) - makes a good backup light in combination with a bright incandescent.

And, of course, lithium batteries are recommended since you can store them for much longer than alkalines, and they don't leak..

Erik...IMO, as stated above, for emergency kits LED's are the way to go...and getting 'em in the mail is a BLAST!!! BTW, in your post you said that you were looking at Pelican Mitylites. All I can say is, be careful...you don't always get what you pay for. Pelican DOES put out some good products, but it's been my experience that the Mitylite or Super Mitylite ain't in that "good product" category. You can do MUCH better for NOT much more. Good luck!!!


...there is nothing in the world more frustrating than a lousy beam...