Flashlights on tonights 24.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 24, 2004
A couple Coast C cells is all I could pic out that the campers used. What did Jack have when he was looking inside the football toward the end?

That episode hasn't happened yet here in the UK!

In previous episode Jack has an OP-6 or similar Laser Devices flashlight. TigerLights (6" version) are also used.

hahaa al, it was a great episode...jack bauer dies /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Size15's said:

That episode hasn't happened yet here in the UK!

In previous episode Jack has an OP-6 or similar Laser Devices flashlight. TigerLights (6" version) are also used.


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/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif OOOOOPS!

Now that's not nice /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/whoopin.gif

People have been banned for less!!

Al /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin07.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
We've just got up to the episode that ends with Tony being asked if he knows Michelle (who has just walked into CTU) and him saying he was married to her.

No idea how many more episodes are left though.
Size15's said:
We've just got up to the episode that ends with Tony being asked if he knows Michelle (who has just walked into CTU) and him saying he was married to her.

No idea how many more episodes are left though.

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which "hour" was it?
I think you are 5 episodes behind, Size15s. I don't blame you for not wanting spoilers - sometimes even the little snippets Fox shows for what's going to happen next week give too much away! (One of my kids refuses to watch these - he runs upstairs as soon as they come on.)

I am of the opinion that this season is the best they've done so far in the series.

Oh, yeah, I'm pretty sure it was a Coast light that /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleye11.gif used while they were /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleye11.gif...
I want to know what kind of cel phone Jack carries. I swear that thing can do everything short of cooking dinner. I love Jack talking calmly in the middle of a firefight.
Size15's said:

This series seems to be going on for-ever!

How many episodes are there altogether?


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Seeing as how the show is called 24, there would be 24 total episodes. One for every hour during a particular day. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

In the US, there are seven more episodes left, they showed 11pm to 12 am of Season 4 last night.
The US show 45 minute long episodes though right? With 15 minutes of adverts. That's 32 episodes for the whole 24 hours unless they add 15 minutes of footage to each episode for the UK market (no advert breaks). I wonder what you've been missing? Perhaps the US have an ad break when Jack goes to the jon or grabs 5 minutes of shuteye?

Size15's said:

This series seems to be going on for-ever!

How many episodes are there altogether?


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You don't know the half of it yet - there's more going on! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Is this the first season you've watched this?
Size15's said:
The US show 45 minute long episodes though right? With 15 minutes of adverts. That's 32 episodes for the whole 24 hours unless they add 15 minutes of footage to each episode for the UK market (no advert breaks). I wonder what you've been missing? Perhaps the US have an ad break when Jack goes to the jon or grabs 5 minutes of shuteye?


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That's a good question. I'll have to check the DVD's sometime on the prior season and see how long each episode is. They definitely skip over the time in the US during the adverts.

Jack is a badass - he never eats, sleeps, or goes to the bathroom, as best we can tell!
deranged_coder said:
The DVDs are roughly 45 mins / episode (I have all 3 seasons on DVD). They pad the clock by several minutes during the commercial breaks.

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It's nice to know I'm not the only one!

I think they are missing out this season if they don't get the commercials in the UK. Is it just me, or does anyone else find it funny to watch the actor who played Pres. Palmer on the prior seasons of 24 sell insurance during commercial breaks of this seaon's 24?
Size15's said:
The US show 45 minute long episodes though right? With 15 minutes of adverts. That's 32 episodes for the whole 24 hours unless they add 15 minutes of footage to each episode for the UK market (no advert breaks). I wonder what you've been missing? Perhaps the US have an ad break when Jack goes to the jon or grabs 5 minutes of shuteye?


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I know it's not a "full hour" but just play along here, okay? It's "supposed to be an hour". /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif