Folks that don't EDC flashlights.

At my work sometimes I come across a crashed vehicle and when checking on the occupants 99.99% of the time they ask to use my phone because their's is dead or low on power. The younger they are the more likely that's the case.
While I don't doubt your experience, there's some selection bias at play involving demographics considerably more likely to get into auto accidents - namely the younger and irresponsible.
You'd be surprised how many experienced drivers and seasoned citizens crash too. Often not directly caused by them per-sae. But when following too close and end up in multi car incidents and that type of thing.
Yeah, I buy from C.C. a bit too often. Lately, I've noticed a couple of shady things that C.C. has been doing, and I don't like it. But yes, one of those silicone trays would work too.

C.C. used to be very reputable back in the day. Pulled some shady nonsense. Lost their Marathon watch Authorized Dealer status because of it. Went full scumbag for two years. Constantly cheating customers out of their money. Not sure if there was a management change (seriously doubt it), or if they realized their reputation was in the toilet. Didn't buy from them over those two years. Then slowly started seeing more and more positive reviews. They came out with their own Maratac branded watches. Things got significantly better.

But now, starting to see that B.S. that started when Marathon yanked their A.D. status. Truth is, I've bought literally everything from County Comm that I want. So, I'm good. Just really hope they're not going further down that same road again.
I've bought a lot from them too. In fact I have lots of loyalty points and nothing on their website interests me that I haven't bought so hopefully they roll out some new stuff. My only complaint is their mystery bags are usually lots of stuff no one wants anyways. I bought a couple as stocking stuffers for buddies and ended up keeping a lot of the stuff because I couldn't think of anyone who had a use for it.
I suppose folks at the chap stick forum cannot believe there are actually people who don't edc chap stick. Same with finger nail clipper forums, inkpen forums etc. At the MeGeyver forum they may be shocked that not everybody carries chewing gum, duct tape and kite string.
We are quite easy going to non carryers over here on the Chap stick forum :)
meanwhile, since the weather is getting cold, I'm putting little hoodies on my light to keep them safe and warm. Wonder what the non-carrying crowd would think of me?:ROFLMAO:


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LOL... that lady's a keeper!
Check this out:

Upcycled plastic bag glove.
She takes those thin plastic bags everybody hates so much, lays it out flat, cuts into 1/4" wide strips. Then tie the strips end to end and it becomes "plarn". She uses the plarn to crochet all kinds of stuff. Change purse, sunglass carrying sack, flower arrangements, and other stuff.
I love those bags. Been about 3 years now since they stopped giving those away for free, unless you get Take-out at a restaurant. I save as many of those I can to re-use.
Good grief! How many you want? I'll sell you mine! We're swimming in them! What we don't keep for trash can liners, get returned to the supermarket for recycling.
Haven't posted in a very long time but here goes. In my left thigh pocket I carry a Zebra Light SC52. In my left main pocket I carry a Zebra Light SC62. In my right thigh pocket I carry a Streamlight ProTac 1L-1AA. In my right main pocket I carry a Lumintop Tool AA 2.0. In my Perilogics cellphone case I carry a Mini Maglite AAA LED + an Olight i3E EOS. These are my EDC lights. If you haven't figured it out, I had a childhood trauma involving total darkness. Screwed me up in the head pretty badly. I'll never be in the dark again. Happy Dark Trails to all my fellow flashaholics. Time for bed.
Haven't posted in a very long time but here goes. In my left thigh pocket I carry a Zebra Light SC52. In my left main pocket I carry a Zebra Light SC62. In my right thigh pocket I carry a Streamlight ProTac 1L-1AA. In my right main pocket I carry a Lumintop Tool AA 2.0. In my Perilogics cellphone case I carry a Mini Maglite AAA LED + an Olight i3E EOS. These are my EDC lights. If you haven't figured it out, I had a childhood trauma involving total darkness. Screwed me up in the head pretty badly. I'll never be in the dark again. Happy Dark Trails to all my fellow flashaholics. Time for bed.
Well at least you found a way to combat the demons.
Good for you. (y)
Good grief! How many you want? I'll sell you mine! We're swimming in them! What we don't keep for trash can liners, get returned to the supermarket for recycling.
Recycling? You should sell them in bulk on eBay.
You'd make a good bit of money with that side hustle.
I suppose folks at the chap stick forum cannot believe there are actually people who don't edc chap stick. Same with finger nail clipper forums, inkpen forums etc. At the MeGeyver forum they may be shocked that not everybody carries chewing gum, duct tape and kite string.
I actually have an opinion about fingernail clippers and own two good pairs one of which is Swiss made.

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