Yeah, I buy from C.C. a bit too often. Lately, I've noticed a couple of shady things that C.C. has been doing, and I don't like it. But yes, one of those silicone trays would work too.
C.C. used to be very reputable back in the day. Pulled some shady nonsense. Lost their Marathon watch Authorized Dealer status because of it. Went full scumbag for two years. Constantly cheating customers out of their money. Not sure if there was a management change (seriously doubt it), or if they realized their reputation was in the toilet. Didn't buy from them over those two years. Then slowly started seeing more and more positive reviews. They came out with their own Maratac branded watches. Things got significantly better.
But now, starting to see that B.S. that started when Marathon yanked their A.D. status. Truth is, I've bought literally everything from County Comm that I want. So, I'm good. Just really hope they're not going further down that same road again.