Like i said before, i work straight nights, and am pro-active, and have managed to use my 6z for 4-8 days and up to 12 days (10 hour shifts from 2100-0700). But what do i know? i dont do any math, and dont live on a kings ransom nor have i hit the lottery. i have personally used the stinger, and the mag-charger and still go for the sure fire. i also buy my own vest, as i like the best. for me my job may cost me my life. i have never had the surefire let me down, never. like i said you can adjust wide beams, small beams, middle beams and short beams or carry a 6 million candlepower rechargeable... what it boils down to is the next time i pull my light and my gun i have to identify if its friend or foe, armed or unarmed and shoot or dont shoot, not adjust, fiddle or watch as my light focuses on everything, with it not focusing on what i need. run through a crack house, or a backyard with pit-bulls and tell me how you need a wide beam, and ill tell you buy what works for you.this is only my opinion. if i fixed cars or refridgerators or such id stick with other lights. the sure fire lights are best for MY job, and MY style of work. i am not pushing them on you. i only am providing my experiance, as i have tried most of the lights. i have yet to spend 130 a month on batteries, as a matter of fact i have yet to spend 36 a month. a few civil lawsuits, suspensions or firings and you could have bought any light you wanted.
<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by MCInfantry on 01-19-2001 at 12:53 AM</font>