For those that have an ARC LS



What configuration gets the most carry time and why?

I like the single 123 as it is fairly bright and compact.

What about you?

I like the two AA pack b/c I can use my rechargeables...I like the 123 pack for compactness with a lot of brightness.

I think Peter Gransee posted a similar thread in the ARC section of the forums. He got a lot of responses.
1AA for all around use. with a lithium AA its just the right amount of light for most tasks.
hey craig, is carryability a word? if not it should be.
2AA I like this configuation beacause of one time I was on top of a windmill at night trying to remove a metal-halide lamp from it, and my lithium battery was dead after only about an hour.
(of cource the battery was a "dead" one out of my E2, but that doesn't count:D). The 2AA's have a lot more capacity than the 123 cell, and are one whole heck of a lot cheaper!
I EDC my LS using a double-ended 123 pack, with an aluminum (insulated) cap for the spare battery...
a double-ended 123 pack, with an aluminum (insulated) cap for the spare battery
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">OK you got me, What is that? any picutres?


I edc my LS on my key ring with the 123 pack. I have a SureFire spares carrier for my E2e in my shoulder bag. 6 123 cells and a spare LA for the E2e. I now don't carry AAs in the shoulder bag...there is also an original Inova X5 in the shoulder bag. I do carry a pair of AAAs in the shoulder bag for the edc Arc AAA.


Most of the time I use the 123 pack because it is so compact. I rarely use the single AA because it is not as bright or as compact as the 123. I do use the (2) AA for extended use or to be sure I have fresh batteries. I need to try NiMH rechargeables in the Arc now that I have a PT Surge and a hungry Minolta 7i digital camera and 16 batteries.
The ARC LS is definitely at the far opposite end of the quality from the crappy "LED Club" light.
It is about equal, though slightly more pee-greenish than my C Crane 14 LED I got on their special last week. I brought it to work, left it temptingly laying around on the lab bench, and got a few "suckers" with it, who looked right into it and turned it on. That is something they will only do once, believe me...
I prefer the 2-AA configuration, just for mileage, and I have big hands and it just fits and feels better. I have yet to try a 3.6V Lithium AA in the single cell holder, or the CR123
shorty. I use those in my el-cheapo Russian made
NVS, so I do have one or two to try on hand.
My next project is a home made "klingon death ray"
using 4 to 6 of the Luxeon Stars and a 12 V gel cell rechargeable.

Seeing lots of spots lately....

/ed brown