forever flashlight ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 12, 2001
Berkeley CA
They spammed me today advertising that thing (it's the clear tube-shake-magnet-in-coil thing).

I will NEVER buy ANYTHING from a spammer.
has anyone seen this:

interesting idea, but not bright enough

I agree with you completely. If you give money to people that use unsolicited commercial email and pop-ups for advertising, you validate that marketing channel.

The problem I have with the product is that it is useless for emergencies that require you to have a steady beam or an untended light. In my experience, that is just about every emergency I have every been in.
Forget the Spammers........
For a good place to look at (or get) a new more powerful, more compact version of the quality NightStar-(2) light check out:

I mention this becos the ad sez: 30 sec. of shake (vs. 5 Minutes on the old model
) produces up to 20 minutes of usable (they claim) light, and it's on sale-72 hrs. for $37.
just ordered the nightstar2. i'll report back with a comparison to my nightstar1. the nightstar is the best of its type, but it should only be considered as a last resort survivor flashlight.
Has anybody gotten the Nightstar2 yet? Interested in knowing if it really last 30 minutes from their ads... And if it really is usable light.
just tried out my nightstar2, here's what i found. its made in china whereas the nightstar1 is usa made. the hotspot is 2.5 to 3 times larger and just very slightly less bright then the nightstar1, making it much more usable. the light runs about 5-51/2 minutes on the 2 as compared to about 3 minutes for the one for usable light. other then that go to for their comparison of the two flashlights. also, so that you can get an idea of the light output of the nightstar1, check out to see it side by side with an arc aaa le.
Originally posted by larry:
thank you
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Thanks for that mini do you think that light is a good value?

p.s.-I just noticed that the original Nightstar is closing out at $24.00 (!)
if you want the best of its kind and if you are a flashaholic, the answer is yes. its much superior to the nightstar1. only you can decide if the additional $17.00 (price went up to $41.00)is worth it.
Spidey82 - no 5 watter - remember beam comparisons are relative - relative to the Nightstar, the ArcLE is very bright. That's why the light washes out a bit - the camera has to compensate for the dim output of the Nightstar.

I'll see if I can get the Nightstar2 and compare side by side.

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