Newly Enlightened
I bought a E2l with the error head.
It has a 5W LED.
It should have the same specs (or is) a Luxeon V portable, right?
According to the specs above, it's typical forward voltage is 6.84V with a maximum of 8.31V (and min of 5.43V)
Does this mean that this is the max forward voltage that one of these LEDs might have, or the maximum forward voltage you would want to apply to it?
I'm not real clear on what some of these specs mean, if someone could help me out, I'd really appreciate it.
(I'm not asking about current b/c it is pretty clear to me on that page that 700ma is what it needs)
I'm sorry if this is common knowledge, but there isn't a sticky (that I saw) about LED terminology and I have not yet figured out how to get the search function to actually search for the words I want it to. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
It has a 5W LED.
It should have the same specs (or is) a Luxeon V portable, right?
According to the specs above, it's typical forward voltage is 6.84V with a maximum of 8.31V (and min of 5.43V)
Does this mean that this is the max forward voltage that one of these LEDs might have, or the maximum forward voltage you would want to apply to it?
I'm not real clear on what some of these specs mean, if someone could help me out, I'd really appreciate it.
(I'm not asking about current b/c it is pretty clear to me on that page that 700ma is what it needs)
I'm sorry if this is common knowledge, but there isn't a sticky (that I saw) about LED terminology and I have not yet figured out how to get the search function to actually search for the words I want it to. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif