Since 2005 I've been carrying a 1 x AA Nichia light in a horizontal leather pouch with magnetic flap opening, together with a Leatherman Wave I. This setup has been discreet and practical, and I wouldn't like to change it. I would, however, like to upgrade the light. Could you please help, O great ones?
I'll priority-list the criteria below:
I'll priority-list the criteria below:
- Size: Max length 100mm, max diameter 20mm (give or take a mm here and there)
- Mini lanyard strap: The two items are together in the pouch, so the strap acts as a barrier in between (although I like the idea of getting a removable, reversible clip as well, even as a third-party product)
- Battery: 1 x AA or 1 x CR123A (although I'm leaning towards AA/14500)
- High output, brightness and battery use digitally regulated, fairly water-resistant, all the usual...
- I'm also not part of the bleeding-edge fraternity, but I do appreciate good quality and technology
- Able to get it with free worldwide shipping: I am located in South Africa
- EagleTac P10A
- NiteCore D10 SP
- Zebralight SC50w
- Tank007 TK-737 (twist focus head; is this a gimmick?), TK-566, M10, M20, HC-316