From the "What were they thinking file?!?"

ya missunderstand me im just say take funds away from the prisons by executing those on death row 3 days after conviction use them funds for the health care system. but if you think its better to feed them aminals hey who am i to judge
Definitely agree with you there.
You might want to move to literally any other 1st World nation on the planet.

You can blame our current medical system here in the US entirely on gov't intervention in the market. I still remember, as a kid, my Grandparents getting their medical services through a doctor hired by the Lions Club--one of the main reasons to join. Once medical insurance became part of total comp, though, things like clubs hiring a doctor to support their members died off ...

Why did insurance become part of total comp? Because of wage and price controls. Since then ...

On one one side we've had this push towards universal, government provided care--but companies don't want to give up making you work to get insurance. It dampens independent businesses, reducing competition, drives down actual pay scales, and forces more workers to enter the market. Of course, we all know universal medical care works well ... at least for 10-20 years. Then it falls apart.

On the other side, the last vestiges of any free-market medical insurance died through "Obamacare." I was looking to start a business at the time that passed into law, and had insurance all set through Costco. Just a few weeks after "Obamacare" passed, Costco pulled their insurance plans, and referred everyone to the "marketplace." After poking at the marketplace, I found I could get insurance there for my family at a cost of around $5k/month for anything like a basic plan, and higher if I wanted anything other than the basic plan. Prices were closing in on $8k/month once I started adding dental and vision.

Starting a one-man consulting shop with $60k/year or more in medical expenses on day one shut the whole thing down.

We've not had "free market" insurance in the US since at least WWII. You cannot buy a policy from out-of-state, you cannot buy a private policy, you cannot buy insurance that will follow you from job to job so you can keep it for years (and allowing you to build relationships with providers and the people in the insurance office). We're either told "you must go to single (government) payer or you must stick with the crappy system we have now ... there are no other options."

If we went back to a real free market system we could rebuild an excellent healthcare system--but that would take too much power and money from the people who control the narrative ... so it's not going to happen.
The cross-dresser in spanks with ballet slippers walking on his toes. That's goin to be a new event called freestyling perverts.

The best part of the ceremony was the Minions segment, LMAO
i get along with everyone i cant forget if i told you about the tall beatuful black women who lived ina hotel i did when i was 21 or so well we waves to each other everyday she was nice then one day i heard hher yell to a freind accross the drive way. well she was a he lol. i still waved when i saw him. nice to me im nice back
CA has more than a few he/she's. Cities like SF and LA has largest community of pervs...
I am for live and let live, long as they don't try to shove their lifestyle acceptance down my throat. I can give a rats behind if they want to marry sheep. Just stay away from underaged children!

...okay my rant is over
CA has more than a few he/she's. Cities like SF and LA has largest community of pervs...
Can't say I've seen any in my area.
I doubt I'll see any at this event in my town.

CA has more than a few he/she's. Cities like SF and LA has largest community of pervs...
I am for live and let live, long as they don't try to shove their lifestyle acceptance down my throat. I can give a rats behind if they want to marry sheep. Just stay away from underaged children!

...okay my rant is over
Honestly, I'm not okay with it. I live in CA and they just passed a law saying that parents were not allowed to be notified if the school takes a kid, indoctrinates them into believing it's okay to become the opposite gender, and then gives them sex change sterilization drugs, later followed by surgery. Elon Musk is moving pretty much all his businesses out of CA because he went through the same thing with his son, now daughter (that won't speak to him). They are coming for the children now. This is a spiritual war for the souls of the next generation.

All people need to be treated with love, dignity, and respect. However, many have a perverted view of what love is and want to bring in more to the fold for their own sick pleasures. That is wrong, and should be called out as such as much as possible. Love should be sacrificial, putting others needs above your own. If you are going around having same sex relationships with an STD without telling your partner, you don't care about anyone but yourself. If you are grooming children for underage relationships, same sex or not, stop it. If you are trying to get more children to change their gender to make you feel normal for having gone through with the same process, stop it. All of this is self-serving, not done out of love and destroys lives. Matthew 18:6 "But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believes in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." Think long and hard about the eternal consequences Jesus has in mind for you if you mess with the children.

When I taught martial arts, in 21 years training, I only had two students considered transgender. I was not fond of the decision that had been made by them or their parents, but it was not mine to make. It was a bit uncomfortable at first training them, but I made sure to treat them as any other student and to immediately shut down any hearsay, name calling, or bullying that came their way. Respect was given to all students. I wanted and want nothing but the best for them in their lives. That is the difference with showing the right vs. the wrong kind of love.

For those wondering about my religious convictions and that the Bible says homosexuality is a sin, here's my response. Romans 3:23: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." We're all guilty. Don't be pointing the finger at someone because you think their sins are worse than yours. It doesn't matter in God's eyes. We're all guilty, unless forgiven. People that are blind to what God's love is are likely going to have a warped view of what it looks like and experience love wrong. This causes trauma and broken relationships that sow division and anger. These people's first experience of Christians is often showing hatred toward their sin, rather than embracing them with love. John 13:34-35 says, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Matthew 7:1-5 says, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?, when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." Basically, if I am a Christian trying to share the love of Christ with a gay, transgender, etc. person and I harbor animosity toward their sin while talking to them, it's like they are spiritually blind with something stuck in their eyes and I'm trying to get it out with a 2 x4 in my eye. It doesn't work. I'd poke their eyes out so they'd never see the truth. Everyone has a past. They fear judgment. They're looking for acceptance and love because they have never known it. If they accept God, He will work on their hearts to purge sin from their lives, not me.
Honestly, I'm not okay with it. I live in CA and they just passed a law saying that parents were not allowed to be notified if the school takes a kid, indoctrinates them into believing it's okay to become the opposite gender, and then gives them sex change sterilization drugs, later followed by surgery. Elon Musk is moving pretty much all his businesses out of CA because he went through the same thing with his son, now daughter (that won't speak to him). They are coming for the children now. This is a spiritual war for the souls of the next generation.
This depraved transformation of the CA school system is what prompted my daughter to move to a deep red state for the safety of her children. We followed her there and enjoy sharing our grandkids growth in a traditional values environment.
i wish i went further in school but as most of you know i never finished middle school a course never been to a high school.. but thats life my mind dont work that way. if it works anyway lol
Never thought I'd see this at the Olympics.... :(
Yup, one of the reasons why it's already a :poop:show.
Massive outrage by that stunt.
Would love to see them depict Muhammad in a dress.
Watch how quickly the radicals in France, who recently won the elections over there; burn the venue to the ground.... with everyone still inside.
i get along with everyone i cant forget if i told you about the tall beatuful black women who lived ina hotel i did when i was 21 or so well we waves to each other everyday she was nice then one day i heard hher yell to a freind accross the drive way. well she was a he lol. i still waved when i saw him. nice to me im nice back
That's what counts most.... How people treat each other.
Over a decade ago I was a regular on Sammy Franco's forums.
Huge self-defense practioner/author.... had the maturity level of a 5 year-old, plus a raging ego. Looking back, the rest of the members and moderators were slightly better. The only one I respected was an open Satanist. We were the only two individuals on there with maturity levels of Adults. With the common courtesy and manners to match. In the end, I got too fed up with Sammy's BS to stay there. Most former members were those who ended up getting banned by him. I left on my own.
i wish i went further in school but as most of you know i never finished middle school a course never been to a high school.. but thats life my mind dont work that way. if it works anyway lol
Raggie, there are places available to adults to help them to get their G.E.D. (It's never too late.)
(In post #409) You are saying the school (district?) is giving sterilization sex change drugs? School is performing sex change surgery?

"…if the school takes a kid, indoctrinates them into believing it's okay to become the opposite gender, and then gives them sex change sterilization drugs, later followed by surgery…"

Where is your documentation?
(In post #409) You are saying the school (district?) is giving sterilization sex change drugs? School is performing sex change surgery?

"…if the school takes a kid, indoctrinates them into believing it's okay to become the opposite gender, and then gives them sex change sterilization drugs, later followed by surgery…"

Where is your documentation?
The state passed a law making it so schools didn't have to inform parents of their child's sexual orientation or wish to change gender. The schools don't do the surgeries. That's not what I meant. They refer the child to a therapist who then gets approval for the treatments and surgeries. The state covers the costs or they try to pass it on to the parents. By the time the child has told the school they want to be another gender, the child is no longer under the parents' control because they are not informed.

Elon Musk, so disgusted over (executive order) signing-in this insane law, has promised moving SpaceX out of California. Tesla operations have already left to Texas

Nearly 1 million jobs have exodus this state since current gubbener took over in 2019

This is what happens under a one party rule.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

He lost way more jobs than that. In 2020, he signed AB5 which banned all independent contractors (who didn't get a waiver from the law-hint: gave him a kickback in political donations to get special status). He lost tens of thousands of truckers jobs. I think it was around 70-80 thousand. Without those truckers, deliveries everywhere slowed down damaging businesses reputations and frustrating consumers. Many more jobs were lost and businesses moved out of state because they couldn't function.

As a volunteer martial arts instructor, our school was at the end of our building lease. We were moving somewhere cheaper with the offer that I could be taken on as an employee rather than a volunteer or independent contractor. AB5 made it so the school would have to pay each volunteer as an employee, since we were not a nonprofit. No martial arts school can function that way. It takes years of training to get someone to the level of being an instructor. They aren't hired off the street. Imagine the dues students would have to pay for their instructor's 6 year internship. Then, a few months later, the governor called the school "nonessential" due to Covid and shut us down when we were about to move. The owner cut his loses as he was paying for rent on two buildings for the last few months to get things changed over. The state broke him. After 21 years of training, the governor cost me a job before it was even counted as a job.

Then to add insult to injury, the governor's businesses stayed running during the entire time of Covid and took nearly a million dollars of Covid relief money. He got caught breaking his own law showing up partying at the French Laundry, and his Aunt Nancy Pelosi illegally opened up a hair salon just so she could get her hair done, while the rest of us weren't allowed to legally get a haircut. There has been no accountability for any of this. I could go into his sweetheart deal for PG&E after the Paradise fire, cutting resources for proper forest maintenance, then blaming all the fires on global warming, but I'll leave it at that. Oh yeah, forgot, this year he signed a law requiring all garden lawnmowers and weed walkers sold be electric so anyone doing forest maintenance in the future is only going to get a fraction of the work done. Expect larger forest fires from now on because of this stupid law. More homes and businesses will be gone, from the flames.
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Elon Musk, so disgusted over (executive order) signing-in this insane law, has promised moving SpaceX out of California. Tesla operations have already left to Texas

Nearly 1 million jobs have exodus this state since current gubbener took over in 2019

This is what happens under a one party rule.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

Having spent 15 years there, but fled there 20 years ago, I do feel for you man. It's become a 'failed state', right here in the USA IMO. The good news is you could probably get $20/hr extra flashlight money on a side hustle just handing people burgers and fries. The downside is that many of the burger joints are likely to shut down, the way I hear it.

Musk should move some operations to AZ (industry's booming here), then we could try to talk him into building a border wall along the CA-AZ border:)