He lost way more jobs than that. In 2020, he signed AB5 which banned all independent contractors (who didn't get a waiver from the law-hint: gave him a kickback in political donations to get special status). He lost tens of thousands of truckers jobs. I think it was around 70-80 thousand. Without those truckers, deliveries everywhere slowed down damaging businesses reputations and frustrating consumers. Many more jobs were lost and businesses moved out of state because they couldn't function.
As a volunteer martial arts instructor, our school was at the end of our building lease. We were moving somewhere cheaper with the offer that I could be taken on as an employee rather than a volunteer or independent contractor. AB5 made it so the school would have to pay each volunteer as an employee, since we were not a nonprofit. No martial arts school can function that way. It takes years of training to get someone to the level of being an instructor. They aren't hired off the street. Imagine the dues students would have to pay for their instructor's 6 year internship. Then, a few months later, the governor called the school "nonessential" due to Covid and shut us down when we were about to move. The owner cut his loses as he was paying for rent on two buildings for the last few months to get things changed over. The state broke him. After 21 years of training, the governor cost me a job before it was even counted as a job.
Then to add insult to injury, the governor's businesses stayed running during the entire time of Covid and took nearly a million dollars of Covid relief money. He got caught breaking his own law showing up partying at the French Laundry, and his Aunt Nancy Pelosi illegally opened up a hair salon just so she could get her hair done, while the rest of us weren't allowed to legally get a haircut. There has been no accountability for any of this. I could go into his sweetheart deal for PG&E after the Paradise fire, cutting resources for proper forest maintenance, then blaming all the fires on global warming, but I'll leave it at that. Oh yeah, forgot, this year he signed a law requiring all garden lawnmowers and weed walkers sold be electric so anyone doing forest maintenance in the future is only going to get a fraction of the work done. Expect larger forest fires from now on because of this stupid law. More homes and businesses will be gone, from the flames.