Ready to hear about another genius engineering marvel? You sure? You really sure?
Yesterday I got in my car and started it up and let it run for a little while. It was cold out so I turned the heat on ... or so I thought. What happened was there was no heat coming out of the vents no matter what the setting. It actually felt like the air conditioning was on. I had a friend turn the knob while I looked under the hood and listened for the air conditioner clutch mechanism that kicks in with a pretty loud clank when the AC compressor engages. That proved what I thought was true: the AC was turning on, not the heat. But all the knobs were in the right position so why would the AC come on. I figured there was something wrong with the heat/AC switch.
Today I get in the car and drive down the road. When I get to the store, I try the heat again. I get heat this time. I go into the store, but some food and stuff, come out to the car and drive away. I try the heat again, again very cold air.
I get home and look up the car manual. Well Lo and Behold, the car manual says that when you turn the heat on if the temperature outside is above 40 degrees F, the air conditioner comes on automatically.
WHAT ????????????????
So if the outside temperature is 41 degrees, I can't turn the heat on. That's still pretty cold so heat is needed inside the vehicle.
So, who was the genius engineer who decided to do that? If I pay $30k for a car and I turn the heat on when it's 45 degrees outside, I WANT THE HEAT TO FRIGGIN COME ON! Why wouldn't anyone want the heat to come on when it's that cold outside, I can't imagine anyone who would want that. And it's not just the heat that does not come on, the friggin air conditioner comes on!! So you get to freeze even more. Is that nuts or what?
What the heck is happening to this world?