Cheaper Jade Mag85 configuration coming soon!
For Sale: Jade 3D Mag80 for $160 includes CONUS/Canada shipping.
- Tungsram GY6.35 6V 35W 56580 axial filament (Osram 64430) bulb http://www.svetila.com/eProdaja/product_info.php/cPath/91/products_id/4058
First "I'll Take It" with a follow up PM to me for shipping and PayPal details.
What's included:
Less common Jade 3D Mag!
Kui's high temp D cell socket switch
2 extra Tungsram 56580 bulbs
FM's MOP 12.7 Reflector
FM's 9AA3D battery adapter
9 NIMH Intellect IB2000 high drain batteries http://candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=151898
Borofloat Lens
1 Dummy AA
Cheaper Jade Mag85 configuration coming soon!
For Sale: Jade 3D Mag80 for $160 includes CONUS/Canada shipping.
- Tungsram GY6.35 6V 35W 56580 axial filament (Osram 64430) bulb http://www.svetila.com/eProdaja/product_info.php/cPath/91/products_id/4058
First "I'll Take It" with a follow up PM to me for shipping and PayPal details.
What's included:
Less common Jade 3D Mag!
Kui's high temp D cell socket switch
2 extra Tungsram 56580 bulbs
FM's MOP 12.7 Reflector
FM's 9AA3D battery adapter
9 NIMH Intellect IB2000 high drain batteries http://candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=151898
Borofloat Lens
1 Dummy AA
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