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Sold/Expired FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order List-2

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Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Finbar # 3 - PM sent
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

First round of shipments on their way.... Yippie. Second round goes out tomorrow. Oh yeah baby.

Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

My Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 flashlights have arrived!

Hoooo-aahhhh! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

My son is picking them up from my office for me, and bringing them to their new home tonight...in the "Land of the Wind Chill Factor".

I haven`t been this excited since the first Arc LS`s and the TK McLux`s hit the Wisconsin boundary lines. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif

Gotta go now, and watch the front door. My son will be coming...soon, I hope! I`ll get back to you guys later tonight with my first impressions.

BOY...life doesn`t get much better than this! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Hoooo...aaahhhhh! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Hmmmm. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif There is a plurality in your statement that is unknown to me. I must learn of your ways. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Be patient, Grasshopper...
Be patient. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Congratulations John! Just curious how to "know" which batch of shipments we are in?
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Mike posted the list of people in the first batch of shipments....


I apologize for being a bit slow. I have shipped the Ichishiki flashlights to the following people:

2. mcgizmo
3. flashlight
4. carpe Diem
7. marcspar
8. jhung
9. catman10
10. raindrop
11. jdriller
12. Oeo2oo
13. frenchyled
17. kasseri
18. Two Gun
19. peterb

I will ship out more on Friday. I also wanted to mention that these flashlights have been shipped by EMS, express mail. If you need the tracking number, let me know. I'm putting my full attention to getting these lights out. I am doing everything by myself and its taking more time than thought. I assemble, confirm shipping addresses, write labels, pack and etc......... Its pretty tough.

Will the six people on the list to purchase a Ichishiki flashlight send me a PM?

I will update again within the next 24 hours. Thank you.

Best regards,


[/ QUOTE ]
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Thanks for posting that CUE. Now I am a little perplexed in that my mailman didn't deliver any Express Mail packages to me today, yet John got his in Wisconsin. Since my office is closed on the weekends I will have to wait until Monday now /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Hi Guys...
(And Hi Greg...good to hear from you again! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif )

Let me try to explain why I perhaps got my package a few hours earlier than some of the rest you.

I`m not part of the "order list", as far as I know, that is being used to buy/sell and ship these great lights out to you.

For a long time prior to this Katokichi Ichishiki flashlight sale arranged by Mike, he and I set up a special "Deal": I agreed to send a lot of money to him, and he agreed to send a lot of his nice flashlights to me.
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

That "Deal" basically started with his SF1, SF2 and SF3 flashlights. Then, of course, along came Mike`s involvement with the Katokichi Ichishiki flashlight ("KI" for short).

Well...when that first cropped up, I immediately contacted Mike and prevailed upon him to send some of his magic "KI`s" to me. He graciously agreed, and I gladly sent *some* of my funds to him for *some* of these great lights.

Then...as this story unfolds...Mike decided to do this KI project with us CPF`ers. I tried to get at least another KI from Mike through the CPF order list (being the hopelessly addicted flashaholic that I am /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif ), but Mike didn`t let me get on the CPF order list. He pointed out the painfully obvious fact to me...*I* already had my order in with him. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jpshakehead.gif
That was fair, of course...and Mike was watching out for you guys, per usual.

As a good-faith gesture of our "Deal", though:

1) Mike said he would ship my KI`s out as soon as they were done...which he did. (Thanks, Mike!)

2) Mike also let me get two "flavors" of the KI...one version having a 3W Lux III TWOH driven at 500 mA, and one version with a 1W Lux I RWOH driven at 350 mA. (Mike will now probably want to send me to an early grave for telling you about these two versions, for he made it clear he didn`t have the materials to make this offer in the CPF buy/sell process.)

That`s the "story" of my KI`s coming to Wisconsin... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ohgeez.gif
And I`m sticking to it! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

NOW...here are some of my initial impressions, in no particular order:

1) These lights are GREAT! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif

2) Fit and finish are superb, and it`s a real pleasure to hold and fondle (I mean "use" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif ) these works of art.

3) The beams of both the 1W/350 mA rare gems I was fortunate to get, as well as the 3W/500mA lights, are white and bright and nicely focused.

4) The KI`s will join some other great lights that I make a part of my EDC. (Yes...I have lots of pockets.)

5) I did encounter what I consider to be a minor problem with the KI`s: When I turned them on, and IF I kept turning a little too far, the light would first turn on, and then turn off. I fixed this, though, by cutting a small piece of Aluminum foil (3"X1/4"), folding it up into a small square, and then putting it in the base of the battery holder. (I`ve alerted Mike to this problem I had, and with his help and the many other experts on the CPF, I`ll wait for further and better solutions...if my problems were not unique.)

6) Notwithstanding this glitch, did I tell you yet how GREAT this light is? It really is a beautiful light.

7) And no, I unfortunately don`t have any beam shots to show you guys. (I`m not gifted enough to figure all of that out. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif )

I`ve rambled enough, and I`ll now eagerly await the thoughts and comments of you folks who actually know what you`re talking about when it comes to flashlights. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Best wishes to all!

Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Man you are such a tease for not showing us pics! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Can you tell us an evaluation on the 350mA vs 500mA. Visually, can you tell the brightness apart? It would be great if you could take side by side beamshots of the 350 and 500 mA. Congrats on the arrival of your 'babies'.
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Carpe, congrats on both the KI's that you have. They sound like a sweet combo and great setup.

Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Thanks, guys...

The 500mA is a touch brighter than the 350mA, but the difference is minmal.
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Can you compare this with another light of similar output? Thanks!
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Hi B2p...

The beams of light are beautifully shaped. There is a nice and bright hotspot, but still with some useful sidespill. The hotspot is nice and round, uniformly consistent (no hint of ant donut hole) and well-defined, and the sidespill that exists is helpful, but without overpowering or monopolizing the entire beam.

As far a comparison, the beam of the 500 mA is probably closest to a FireFly II on high beam, but modified with a reflector. The beam of the 350 mA is a little bit dimmer, but just by a whisker...not a very noticeable difference.

As all will see when your own KI arrives shortly, this is one nice light! The machining and anodizing are beautifully done, with the fit and finish show the care that went into the making of the flashlight.

The only problem I`ve encountered is decribed in my last main post. The light overly sensitive, IMHO, when twisting the battery holder to turn the light on. My amateur "fix" (being a small folded square of Aluminum foil placed in the battery tube), though, seems to work well...pending any better fix from the makers of the KI and/or the CPF wizards who will be using it and reviewing it in a much better manner than I can hope to do.

I hope these further comments are of at least some help.

Take care!

Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li


Nice to hear from you too and in true "flashaholic" fashion your explanation makes perfect sense /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif At least I won't have to stress about the possibility of my lights having been lost by the Postal Service.
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

Hello everyone,

I apologize for being late when I said that I will update the thread within 24 hours. When I shipped the first batch of flashlights and preparing to send more on the next day which was a Friday here in Japan, I was too busy filling out shipping labels, jumping to and from my PP account as well as matching CPF names since I had some people who didn't do this. I wasn't paying attention and put packages in my car, drove down to the post office and realized it was a major holiday. I couldn't send anything out. I am currently putting more packages together so that a larger number will be driven to the post office Monday morning. I will update this thread with who's packages have been sent out on Monday. I will get back to the six people on the list by e-mail/PM on Monday after dropping off packages. This jumping back and forth, filling out shipping forms, packing flashlights takes more time than I thought. I am doing everything by myself. I've got to get back to packing and filling out forms.

Carpe Diem: My GOD!!! I can't believe how fast you got your package.

Thank you.

ARC mania
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif
Re: FS:Katokichi Ichishiki CR2 Flashlight Order Li

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/goodjob.gif

And I don't want my tracking number, like that it will be a surprise /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Thanks again Mike
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