Yep. I once used Cute FTP and then I used SmartFTP. Now I just use Internet Explorer/Windows Explorer (I think they both do the same thing) and wonder why the heck I ever used an FTP program. It makes about as much sense to me now as using FTP to move files from my C disk to my D disk.
Yeah I know that hidden out of sight, the FTP protocol is being used. But hidden out of sight, a lot of things are being used to move files from C: to D:. Out of sight, out of mind, I say.
You guys will figure it out in time. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Maybe I should have said it this way. You move files on and off your SATA drives and your PATA drives and your USB connected external drives and your firewire connected external drives, and your ethernet connected shares on other computers on the LAN, and you do it all with Windows Explorer. You can also move files on and off the file server of your ISP the same way. All you have to know is the address (URL).