Fun with Glow sheet and stuff..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 11, 2001
Tokyo (again..)
Recently after reading about you guys who got your Extreme glow powder, sheets, etc, I had a look around some stores here, and found what appears to be the local equivalent.

They have some VERY bright powder which I haven't tried yet, and also glow sheet, which is comparable to the stuff Aragorn sent out with some of his mods.
I bought a sheet of glow sheet(or whatever you call it), and had some fun with it..

Has anyone tried writing glowing messages on a bigger piece of glow sheet? Using one of the UV Photon 3s from Aragorn, I held it very close to the sheet, and found that the UV beam was narrow enough to write words or draw on it. You end up with a nice glowing sign!
After showing my fiance this, and mentioning the powder available, she said (with no prompting from me), 'hey, you could mix it in clear nail polish..'. She thought it would be cool to actually paint her nails with this stuff
- interesting idea. During the day it would just look like whatever base colour was on there, but at night..

Well, anyway, I'm off this weekend to get some powder and see what I can paint..

Graham, before you try it out with nail polish, lemme tell ya it isn't that easy. Tried it myself and only got mediocre performance. Dang - I even splurged on good stuff too (Sally Hansens)

But fear not, there was a thread here earlier with the perfect recipe. Lemme go find it for ya...


Ahh... found it! Here it is:
Thanks, I've already been through that thread (what got me going with this glow stuff in the first place..)
The shop I found sells quite a big variety of glow powder, sheets, tape etc. They sell the super-powerful stuff in 10gram bags(hmm, who said that this sounds a bit suspicious?)

My wife did her one thumb with the batch I got. I only applied one coat and it has been over a week now and it is still there and can be charged and still glows!!!

I also did the tips of some of her gardening shoes. Man, she goes out to the garden and comes back in with her shoes glowing.