FYI: Inova T1, T2 & T3 on sale for $30, $35 & $50

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 12, 2004
At if you're willing to take a chance on the slow delivery times. I've never ordered from them, but others in this forum have. See "Cheers & Jeers" forum. I don't have any of these lights, but alot of people like them for their ruggegness and long throw. Enjoy.
Re: FYI: Inova T1, T2 & T3 on sale for $30, $35 &

Stay away from botac.
Re: FYI: Inova T1, T2 & T3 on sale for $30, $35 &

yeah... should read in the Cheers and Jeers thread about them.. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Re: FYI: Inova T1, T2 & T3 on sale for $30, $35 &

rycen said:
Stay away from botac.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, but I disagree...I 've ordered from them many times, and you can see my comments, as well as other positive ones, in Cheers 'n Jeers. I recently (2 weeks ago) ordered a Microtec H3 Traser watch from them. I had the tracking number th same day as the order. It was shipped the next day. when I received it, it was defective out of the box. I called Alan Dela Pena at Botach; he shipped me another one the same day, without waiting for the other one to come back, and issued a UPS call tag for the defective one, so I wouldn't have to pay return shipping.
GIVE 'EM A CHANCE....they had some service problems at one time but recently they've been doing better...MUCH better...I'd recommend them to anyone.
And no, I don't work for Botach.
Re: FYI: Inova T1, T2 & T3 on sale for $30, $35 &

I've had good luck with botach, as well. Really, no complaints at all. By the way, the MB Microtec Traser watches are quite nice!
Re: FYI: Inova T1, T2 & T3 on sale for $30, $35 &

Locked. Nothing good comes out of a Botach related thread.
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