G2L coming with a defuser built in now?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 5, 2001
I just picked up a black Surefire G2L with a Z59 off the market place and noticed something that I don't remember anyone saying anything about yet - It's got a defuser built in now!

At first when I opened the package I had thought the lens was just cloudy due to condensation as the package was outside in -20C weather before I got home. I let it warm up and found it was still cloudy! I tried to wipe it off - nope no change. So fast forward to today I managed to boil the head to loosen the lock tight on the ring threads and get the lens out. To my surprise the lens is not actually frosted but rather there is a second frosted piece in there behind it. I dislike plastic lenses already so I popped in a UCL and put it back together without the defuser. Now there are some very slight rings around the beam when up close but it's a bit brighter now and has more throw.

I guess this is just a heads up to anyone looking at getting one as it differs from the normal G2 even more then having a aluminum head and a P60L in it.

Also I wanted to add - the reflector on the P60L is quite smooth compared to the normal P60 lamp, my L4, and any of the DX P60 drop-in's I have ordered.
can you post a picture of the lens and the reflector? if you got it on MP, would it be possible that the previous owner put light defusing film on after purchase?

If the reflector on the new p60L is indeed smooth, i suspect a rush to get them would ensue on CPF
Strange. PLease plst an image of both the reflector and the diffusion lens in the head.
Somthing about this doesn't add up.
Maybe you received an early prototype or something?
Was this a NEW in the box light or a USED light?

I just picked up a black Surefire G2L with a Z59 off the market place and noticed something that I don't remember anyone saying anything about yet - It's got a defuser built in now!

At first when I opened the package I had thought the lens was just cloudy due to condensation as the package was outside in -20C weather before I got home. I let it warm up and found it was still cloudy! I tried to wipe it off - nope no change. So fast forward to today I managed to boil the head to loosen the lock tight on the ring threads and get the lens out. To my surprise the lens is not actually frosted but rather there is a second frosted piece in there behind it. I dislike plastic lenses already so I popped in a UCL and put it back together without the defuser. Now there are some very slight rings around the beam when up close but it's a bit brighter now and has more throw.

I guess this is just a heads up to anyone looking at getting one as it differs from the normal G2 even more then having a aluminum head and a P60L in it.

Also I wanted to add - the reflector on the P60L is quite smooth compared to the normal P60 lamp, my L4, and any of the DX P60 drop-in's I have ordered.
This unit was brand new in the package still - had to cut the blister pack myself so there is no chance it was tampered or modded before it got to me. Bought it from Brightspot so only he would know how old the stock was.
(as a side note - he is a quick shipper and had good prices!)

Here are some quick snaps.

First up is the defuser on the left with the included polycarbonate lens:


Now here is a shot of the P60L:

Anyway I have no issues with it since I knew I wanted to put in a UCL and since the Seol has such a nice beam anyway it does not need much orange peel. But I guess it's a good heads up for anyone looking for a G2L just as a FYI.
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What does the G2L beam look like with the diffuser installed? Does it still have the hard outer edge that's typical of reflectored high-power LED lights?
What does the G2L beam look like with the diffuser installed? Does it still have the hard outer edge that's typical of reflectored high-power LED lights?

I've got two P60Ls in a G2 and G2Z, and both put out a nice hotspot whose edge is a bit fuzzy.
This unit was brand new in the package still - had to cut the blister pack myself so there is no chance it was tampered or modded before it got to me. Bought it from Brightspot so only he would know how old the stock was.
(as a side note - he is a quick shipper and had good prices!)

Here are some quick snaps.

First up is the defuser on the left with the included polycarbonate lens:


Now here is a shot of the P60L:

Anyway I have no issues with it since I knew I wanted to put in a UCL and since the Seol has such a nice beam anyway it does not need much orange peel. But I guess it's a good heads up for anyone looking for a G2L just as a FYI.

I never noticed a difference in any of the G2L's I did not think there were any variations in them, but I could be wrong. I can tell you that these are from the latest run from Surefire but as the G2L's have not been out that long there might have only been one run. Hopefully someone has the answer and will chime in because I am at a loss.
Someone that bought a G2L with the yellow aluminium head also got a frosted lens. I got mine last year and the reflector is much more textured than that! What kind of beam does the frosted lense give? A little throw or only flood like the F04 beamshaper?
Bright spot, the surefire polymer windows (they are not lenses) are Lexan, not polycarbonate. Also I thought the G2L was supposedly had a pyrex window installed as a standard (i might be wrong)
Bright spot, the surefire polymer windows (they are not lenses) are Lexan, not polycarbonate. Also I thought the G2L was supposedly had a pyrex window installed as a standard (i might be wrong)

Saying "lens" for the window is just a bad habit. ;) The window is a Lexan one on my G2L.
SureFire's G2L and G3L models feature Lexan (which is a proprietary form of polycarbonate) windows.
The 6PL features a Pyrex (tempered glass) window.

Some individual SureFires featuring the P60L may come with a diffuser.
I understand that SureFire do not intend to need to supply all P60L models with it.
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SureFire's G2L and G3L models feature Lexan (which is a proprietary form of polycarbonate) windows.
The 6PL features a Pyrex (tempered glass) window.

Some individual SureFires featuring the P60L may come with a diffuser.
I understand that SureFire do not intend to need to supply all P60L models with it.

Size15 is always right! :D
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How did the light work with the frosted window in place? Did it actually work well as a diffuser?
What does the G2L beam look like with the diffuser installed? Does it still have the hard outer edge that's typical of reflectored high-power LED lights?

As far as I can tell it is a very minimal affect.

Here is a shot of the output with the defuser held in front (I already sealed the light back up with a UCL installed so I really don't want to switch it back all the way):

And here is a shot of it with just the UCL:
Maybe SF got a bad batch of Orange Peel from their subcontractor and this is the workaround.

Anyway if you like throw more than smooth beam, it might be worth looking for one.
The 6PL has a Lexan window? I thought it was identical to the 6P which uses Pyrex. Everywhere on the SureFire website the 6PL is listed as well as having a Pyrex window! :confused:
It appears I was mistaken. Well spotted.
Al :eek:

I'll edit my post above but your post will have my mistake quoted.
Sounds like Surefire had a specific request for a light with a smooth reflector and a diffuser and some spilled into the general retail supply.
Sounds like a rarey.
Personally I would have kept it as it was just because I actually like a diffused light at times. It sure makes for a nice smooth beam pattern.
this thread got me thinking so i checked my G2L and yep its got one. Its very hard to see but once I swaped heads it was very clear, I think i will keep it this way more light coming out the front sounds good to me.