<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aragorn:
thanks but im not rich enough to practice.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I checked out your Otter box. Looks good and must be pretty bright. Nice job!
Regarding the "im not rich enough to practice", a soldering iron and some solder should cost less than $15. Those Versalux modules are $50 apiece. If I were ever out of junk electronics to practice on (which I'll never be), I'd hit the local Salvation army or Goodwill store and pick up a cordless phone or something for $2 or $3. I paid $4 for my last fax machine, and it works!
Anyway, sorry for the long delay. I've been catching up at work for missing Monday, and doing job research.
With any luck, I'll hear something in a few weeks about the 3 jobs I interviewed for on Monday.
As for LED arrays, My best tip is to use a pre-drilled circuit board to get nice, tight array layouts. I use Radio Shack 276-148 perfboard
pic .
Using a staggered layout, you can get 37 Nichias in a Double Barrel, or 44 in a Mag.
Free's 37 led DB
To connect the leads on the back side, I use 12 or 14 gauge braided copper to join the positives and negatives. Here's a pic of an earlier one with skinny wire. Heavy gauge is better. It doubles as a heatsink.
early version DB24
Have a look at the pics in all my albums and feel free to email me with questions. Be sure to check others' websites for tips. Doug's is a great place because he has done all the hard work and gathered the info together.
Quickbeam's site
Be sure to check out the "Tips" section.
I'll try to answer emails in a timely manner. I'm just busy, not dead.