Flashlight Enthusiast
Gall\'s H.A.L.O.-12v./ & 6 cell Mag
Seems to me I remember reading that somebody on CPF was looking for the 6 cell Mag. If so, latest RadShack flyer shows one on sale: cat. # 980-0519 (Mfr's. model #S6DO15-$19.95).-Also saw that same unit in my latest Galls cat. for $26.
p.s.-does anybody here have any experience with the Galls H.A.L.O. 12v. tactical Lithium flashlight that is only 4¾"long?
Seems to me I remember reading that somebody on CPF was looking for the 6 cell Mag. If so, latest RadShack flyer shows one on sale: cat. # 980-0519 (Mfr's. model #S6DO15-$19.95).-Also saw that same unit in my latest Galls cat. for $26.
p.s.-does anybody here have any experience with the Galls H.A.L.O. 12v. tactical Lithium flashlight that is only 4¾"long?