Game Boy--Color or Advance?

Wits' End

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2001
Remote NEast Minnesota, next to Lake Superior
I just found a Game Boy cartridge I know my wife will love having. The problem is we don't have a Game Boy of any type /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif. The cartridge is a Game Boy Color game. So--
Ebay has lots of systems Color, Advance, SP
The Colors run $10-$15, Advance $20-$30+
Since it is a Color game is there much advantage going with an Advance?
Does the larger screen fill with an older game?
Any other input?

The SP looks like a better system but exceeds price I'm looking at.
Get the color. I'm not a fan of how the Advance/SP emulates older games. White is turned into some ugly tan color and only the middle of the screen is filled. You can "strech" the display but it looks bad.
I've got a GBC and a GBASP. Are you sure you don't want to stretch for a GBASP? The front-lighting makes a big difference!

If not, get the Advance anyway. If you choose to obtain more games, you'll have many more choices available to you.
Get the Advance SP. I have one and love it. I play a lot of older arcade games on it. The frontlighting is a must.
I have every type gameboy that has been made except the DS. I would say go with the GB Color. The SP is great but the screen difference is a problem with some of the old style games.