GE StayBright LED Ice Crystal Icicle Set


Newly Enlightened
Aug 15, 2002
Lakewood, CA
Did anyone manage to snag a set of these when they were ever so briefly available at Costco? I've looked high and low since buying a single set (stupid me) and not only did Costco run out soon thereafter, but the only place I can find online that stocks 'em is Amazon.

And they're out of stock.

Unless you want to pay nearly 2x as much from some affiliate of theirs.
I'll keep my eyes open.

Missed having your yearly Christmas light thread this year. Maybe we can find these if not for this year then for next year.
Outside of specialty items like these rather swanky icicles, most of the LED Christmas market is a bit flat. Phillips dominates Target (and to be honest their lights seems pretty good) and GE is about all you'll find anywhere else.

Hell, Costco stopped carrying Forever Bright this year :(

I'm really sad that Forever Bright only made 6 color lights that one year and that I haven't found any set to match that level of quality since.
you can buy them off line, although there about $35 a set, which is 2x more then all the other ones