General life of Tigerlight Battery?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 31, 2002

I have had my Tigerlight for almost 2 years now, and the battery is not really holding a charge anymore.

It gets used about once or twice a week, otherwise in on the nightstand or the cradle. When used recently, it's clearly yellow and dim, unless it was on the charger.

I am just wondering if 2 years is about time to get another battery for others as well? And I assume the best place to go is to the factory for a new battery?

Thats about what I get out of my streamlights/magchargers. It might be a good excuse for one of JS's mods.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif
You killed it by leaving it on the charger. And before the crap storm starts, yes you CAN kill it by this.

Do NOT run it all the way down, and do NOT leave it on the charger. Matter of fact...... I would only charge it when it starts to yellow.
I've had my Tigerlight for close to two years now, and the battery still works great. I also only use it about once or twice a week, but I only charge mine about once a month, and I seldom let it run all the way down.


What turbodog said!

Leaving a battery--especially a NiMH battery--on constant slow charge will kill it. Not instantly and not all at once, but certainly over the long run. Also, as was mentioned never totally discharge a NiMH battery to the point where no light is coming out of the lamp. Turn off when it becomes noticeably dimmer.