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i miss drinking somedays i never over did it but i thought to self drink a beer or buy a bag of beans beans seem smarter
Back when I turned 27, I got drunk for the first and last time in my Life. Got followed home and confronted by some very weird, creepy dude and his friend. Short convo. later, told the jerk to go screw himself and walked upstairs home. Never saw him again in my Life. The Hangover the next morning convinced me to not do that again.
Back when I turned 27, I got drunk for the first and last time in my Life. Got followed home and confronted by some very weird, creepy dude and his friend. Short convo. later, told the jerk to go screw himself and walked upstairs home. Never saw him again in my Life. The Hangover the next morning convinced me to not do that again.
That's a nice story. :yellowlaugh:
Chauncey I never thought you were poking fun at me so no worries. I was trying to relate the feeling of always being the odd man out when it came to my younger years. This feeling even carries over to my work life today. I love all cops however most cops personal lives are a disaster. I have so many co-workers that have drank themselves crazy and this is a fact for every generation of police.

To me alcohol of any type smells like gasoline and I feel it would taste the same so why even try. I do think this is something I feel would discourage most people and also the well known after effects of a hangover. I do think todays generations have much more ways to numb their brains than past generations. All the synthetic stuff popping up was not something gen x had to worry about.
I remember being a very young teen and simply feeling content with just a few basics. I think this is a huge difference between the Gen X crowd vs todays youth. We had much less to want for such as the latest tech stuff and so called perceived success bombarding kids today from all types of social media. It really did not take much to amuse me and I always did feel content to just live a simple life with simple stuff.

Of course much of this for me may have more to do with growing up in a small Southern town where it was not so hard to be content as we really were blissfully unaware of the world in general. I also believe todays generations are faced with a society that is much colder than when I was a teen. Todays society to me seems much more consumed with forcing everyone to accept all sorts of weirdness rather than teaching kids that we can all be different and still find a way to make it in life even if we do not agree on many things.

Gen X were known to be independent as many were thrown into the workplace without much instruction. We also started MTV and were going through all types of influences from this new platform. We had just enough tech stuff to tinker a little yet not enough to become addicted in our daily lives. I also remember being labeled as a lazy, long haired, bmx riding, gamer junkie in the workplace yet somehow we just all figured it out. Nature will usually just find a way yet with all of todays social media constantly blasting kids with drama it must be really confusing for anyone trying to become a real adult these days.
In fairness to the youngsters today, I know many well adjusted ones, despite their gen x and boomer parents.

We had cars you could fix yourself and old ones were cheap. They have cars you can't fix without special tools and expensive sensors that fail. The used ones are still tens of thousands of dollars.
We could afford a house only a few years out of high school. Their options start at $300k.

We had teachers that taught us government should not be trusted or tyranny could result, how to read, how to spell, how to do math without a calculator. They have teachers that teach them government is your friend, America is bad, capitalism is bad, memorize for the test, being told you're wrong is bullying, and identify how ever you feel.

We had role models on tv. Sports figures, actors/actresses, police shows where the cops are good. They have Snoop Dawg, Robert Dinero, Johnny Depp, P-diidy, thugs in sports, and the tv shows portray the cops as bad guys.

We had aunts/uncles, relatives or neighbors watching after us after school. They have daycare or video games to babysit them. Hell if it weren't for school food a lot of kids wouldn't eat. It's not always that little Johnny want nuggets instead of the bologne sandwich mom fixed him. Mom sold the rice-a-roni to get high.

And yet conventional wisdom wants to say the youngsters are lazy and spoiled. There's an old saying about computers but it also applies to people:
garbage in, garbage out.
In fairness to the youngsters today, I know many well adjusted ones, despite their gen x and boomer parents.

We had cars you could fix yourself and old ones were cheap. They have cars you can't fix without special tools and expensive sensors that fail. The used ones are still tens of thousands of dollars.
We could afford a house only a few years out of high school. Their options start at $300k.

We had teachers that taught us government should not be trusted or tyranny could result, how to read, how to spell, how to do math without a calculator. They have teachers that teach them government is your friend, America is bad, capitalism is bad, memorize for the test, being told you're wrong is bullying, and identify how ever you feel.

We had role models on tv. Sports figures, actors/actresses, police shows where the cops are good. They have Snoop Dawg, Robert Dinero, Johnny Depp, P-diidy, thugs in sports, and the tv shows portray the cops as bad guys.

We had aunts/uncles, relatives or neighbors watching after us after school. They have daycare or video games to babysit them. Hell if it weren't for school food a lot of kids wouldn't eat. It's not always that little Johnny want nuggets instead of the bologne sandwich mom fixed him. Mom sold the rice-a-roni to get high.

And yet conventional wisdom wants to say the youngsters are lazy and spoiled. There's an old saying about computers but it also applies to people:
garbage in, garbage out.

I always find it a bit suspect when the kids are blamed. They're kids. Their whole joie de vivre is to be inexperienced and bad at things.
We, as a society, have failed them in many ways. And then turned around and blamed them for our failings.

And in spite of that, the lion's share of youngs I have direct experience with are level headed, intelligent, hard working, and flourishing.

To quote the wise Ian Malcolm, Life finds a way.