In fairness to the youngsters today, I know many well adjusted ones, despite their gen x and boomer parents.
We had cars you could fix yourself and old ones were cheap. They have cars you can't fix without special tools and expensive sensors that fail. The used ones are still tens of thousands of dollars.
We could afford a house only a few years out of high school. Their options start at $300k.
We had teachers that taught us government should not be trusted or tyranny could result, how to read, how to spell, how to do math without a calculator. They have teachers that teach them government is your friend, America is bad, capitalism is bad, memorize for the test, being told you're wrong is bullying, and identify how ever you feel.
We had role models on tv. Sports figures, actors/actresses, police shows where the cops are good. They have Snoop Dawg, Robert Dinero, Johnny Depp, P-diidy, thugs in sports, and the tv shows portray the cops as bad guys.
We had aunts/uncles, relatives or neighbors watching after us after school. They have daycare or video games to babysit them. Hell if it weren't for school food a lot of kids wouldn't eat. It's not always that little Johnny want nuggets instead of the bologne sandwich mom fixed him. Mom sold the rice-a-roni to get high.
And yet conventional wisdom wants to say the youngsters are lazy and spoiled. There's an old saying about computers but it also applies to people:
garbage in, garbage out.