Get a load of Streamlight's claims...


Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2000
S.F. Bay Area, CA
Get a load of Streamlight\'s claims...

See here

They claim 75,000 candlepower from the upgraded flashlight head. Gee, I wonder why they're still not using lumens measurements for their products. (Even when they're using pseudo-Turbohead!)

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by YeeDude on 11-26-2000 at 03:11 AM</font>
Re: Get a load of Streamlight\'s claims...

Both ways of measuring light output have their pro's and con's. I wouldn't say one is better or more correct then the other.

The lumen measures total light output, from the bulb and reflector, while candlepower measures the "hottest" or brightest part of the beam, as it's emmitted from the light.

Re: Get a load of Streamlight\'s claims...

I'd like to see some comparison pics between the UltraStinger and Surefire M6 or 12PM/ZM. Anyone heard pricing on this new Streamlight?

Re: Get a load of Streamlight\'s claims...

Well if they stay with the normal markup from wholesale it should list at about $149.95 with ac charger. The head is harder to guess it should be $35-40. Sorry I never bothered to ask retail price. I was told they are also bringing out a rear tailcap for the SL-20X that permits dimming and flashing of the light. Availability is between now and 2 weeks.

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by TTS on 11-27-2000 at 04:40 PM</font>
Re: Get a load of Streamlight\'s claims...

YeeDude; you are correct and incorrect at the same time, actually.

You see, you are incorrect in saying that a company who measures their lights' output in candlepower is not using lumens. Actually, they are. You see, a foot candle IS a lumen; more precisely, a 1 candela light source emits 1 lumen per steradian in all directions; at one foot, the illuminance of the 1 candela light source is one lumen per square foot, or one foot candle. This same source produces one lux, or one lumen per square meter at a distance of one meter.

However, the company is being deceptive, so you are correct in saying they are NOT using lumens. You see, the above calculations are all based on the fact that the radiation is isotropic, or equal in all directions. This is obviously not the case with a focused beam, so the actual irradiance or illuminance of the light source cannot be accurately determined.

For a much better discussion of this topic, see:

Hope this helps, Walt
Re: Get a load of Streamlight\'s claims...

jus wondering if they would have one for the scorpion as well.
Re: Get a load of Streamlight\'s claims...

I got a shipment of those Ultra Stingers in and they are pretty nice. I compared the beam to a SL20XP and it was much brighter but the light is not in any way small.