GET-TOGETHER - FCW-14 / FSM-2 - NJ, NY, CT, PA area - 9-8-18 to 9-11-18


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 19, 2004
You weren't kidding about that tarp!!! Damn!!! Looks like you guys had a good time despite the weather. Karl- You're not helping my craving for something with a bit more Oomph than my XeRay 35/50! :eek:

Well, let's just get our ducks in a row now Greg. Remember, Priorities, PRIORITIES!! Now, while I'm posed here with a Megaray, my EDC for this camping trip, my undisclosed big gun (see the LEMAX 85 thread) will soon be on it's way to Utah for some...errr...."enhancement"! Don't forget what Mae West said when she saw the bearded fat man carrying his Hickory Run EDC, "Ya got something in your pocket...or are ya just glad to see me"? :devil:

Don't give up you pursuit of the ULTIMATE!!! By the by, we all missed ya, where were you?:thinking:

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Long Island, NY
Wow! What an awesome weekend!

First off, it was so good to see everyone. Some who I haven't seen in two years, some in 7, and others in 10. Then there are the new friends from this FCW-14/FSM-2. Everyone was absolutely great. Just friendly, funny, generous, and more. A total pleasure.

And then there was the food. We were so well stocked with tasty stuff that I don't think a single pack of hot dogs was opened the whole time. I brought a couple large sandwiches that didn't even get touched until my drive home. Special mention to Karl for the huge amount of pulled pork (I had a nice sammich of it on one of your rolls after you headed out), Scott for the very nice coffee, and Stan... where did you get that bacon?! I must have more... lol. Equally impressive is the collective cooking power, and variety of equipment we brought to the table... get it?... table? Ba dum pssshhhh! We probably had the ability to cook for half the park.

And then there was the weather. This was the wettest, coldest for this time of year, muddiest, gloomiest, non-flashlightiest FCW experience one could hope for. I say that because, for me, it was the weather that turned this into the special, unique, and more intimate time it was. There was a good amount of thought, physical labor, and teamwork as well as individual efforts needed to battle the elements which became worse as time went on (ya'll should've seen Monday morning!). Our efforts were quite the success, and something to be proud of. I'm semi-spent from it, and now that I'm home, am feeling the effects. May the next event be sunny and dry so we get to play more with lights, take pictures, etc., but this time was fantastic, and wouldn't trade it for better weather AT ALL! This weekend will live on in memory for many years to come, especially for the die-hards. OOORAH!!!

More special mention (hope I'm not leaving anyone or anything out):

Bill - Through all our interaction, I kept getting distracted from highly thanking you for two things. First, the tent offer. That was cool enough, but then sticking your own neck out to help me with a potentially bad situation was an order of magnitude higher. The moment was not lost on me, and is VERY appreciated.

Dizzy - The great blue object which I'll call "The Tarp of Life" truly allowed us to withstand what was thrown at us. I'm not sure how much, or if any of this would've been possible without it.

Tim - Glad I got to see ya' for a bit. Thank you so much for putting these events together. I'm now hooked, and will be attending more.

The whole thing was a blast, and I'm so glad to have made it out there. See ya'll next time!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 28, 2007
I think the next time we go, Roger and I might be in it just for the camping. Have to find out if Robert Downey jr. Is using his tour bus


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2006
Thanks for the pics Sandy. Wish I could have made it.
nice seeing the old faces again. Glad you guys had fun.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Long Island, NY
I hope this doesn't sound silly, but did anyone come across a large metal spoon with a long handle Saturday night? It was the one I used for the chili, and was looking all over for it while cleaning up that night. It couldn't be mistaken for anything disposable, so hopefully it wound up with someone's cooking gear. It was borrowed from my mom, who's owned it for decades, and I haven't told her yet that it's missing.

Please PM me if anyone has it. Thanks in advance!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 12, 2005
It might be laying on the forest floor, somewhere around the perimeter of the site...The racoon you scared off may have come back for it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 19, 2004
John, I much appreciate sentimentality about cooking utensils. I'll be back up there today or tomorrow and give a look. I don't have it so, it much have been left behind. Hmmmm....unless, UNLESS TB swiped it!! He had a mischievous look on his face after his rain shower over my place.... Nah, I'll look for it.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Long Island, NY
It might be laying on the forest floor, somewhere around the perimeter of the site...The racoon you scared off may have come back for it.
That was actually Sunday night, and I was already looking for it toward the end of Sat. night while some people were still up, and also Sun. morning. Man... that raccoon sure was persistent, and waited until there was only one person. I probably looked ridiculous chasing it all over camp.

John, I much appreciate sentimentality about cooking utensils. I'll be back up there today or tomorrow and give a look. I don't have it so, it much have been left behind. Hmmmm....unless, UNLESS TB swiped it!! He had a mischievous look on his face after his rain shower over my place.... Nah, I'll look for it.
Did you also happen to notice the freshly worn raccoon outfit in the back of his truck? The plot thickens.

Thank you very much for the offer, Karl. I highly appreciate it, but please don't go out of your way or spend too much time. It was my responsibility to keep it safe, and don't want to burden you. I suspect someone either threw it in the trash bag during Sat. night cleanup, or, the best scenario, ended up in someone's gear.

If the latter, of course I'll pay the shipping to get it back, plus will send a small gift (flashlight) in return.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
Wow! What an awesome weekend!

First off, it was so good to see everyone. Some who I haven't seen in two years, some in 7, and others in 10. Then there are the new friends from this FCW-14/FSM-2. Everyone was absolutely great. Just friendly, funny, generous, and more. A total pleasure.

And then there was the food. We were so well stocked with tasty stuff that I don't think a single pack of hot dogs was opened the whole time. I brought a couple large sandwiches that didn't even get touched until my drive home. Special mention to Karl for the huge amount of pulled pork (I had a nice sammich of it on one of your rolls after you headed out), Scott for the very nice coffee, and Stan... where did you get that bacon?! I must have more... lol. Equally impressive is the collective cooking power, and variety of equipment we brought to the table... get it?... table? Ba dum pssshhhh! We probably had the ability to cook for half the park.

And then there was the weather. This was the wettest, coldest for this time of year, muddiest, gloomiest, non-flashlightiest FCW experience one could hope for. I say that because, for me, it was the weather that turned this into the special, unique, and more intimate time it was. There was a good amount of thought, physical labor, and teamwork as well as individual efforts needed to battle the elements which became worse as time went on (ya'll should've seen Monday morning!). Our efforts were quite the success, and something to be proud of. I'm semi-spent from it, and now that I'm home, am feeling the effects. May the next event be sunny and dry so we get to play more with lights, take pictures, etc., but this time was fantastic, and wouldn't trade it for better weather AT ALL! This weekend will live on in memory for many years to come, especially for the die-hards. OOORAH!!!

More special mention (hope I'm not leaving anyone or anything out):

Bill - Through all our interaction, I kept getting distracted from highly thanking you for two things. First, the tent offer. That was cool enough, but then sticking your own neck out to help me with a potentially bad situation was an order of magnitude higher. The moment was not lost on me, and is VERY appreciated.

Dizzy - The great blue object which I'll call "The Tarp of Life" truly allowed us to withstand what was thrown at us. I'm not sure how much, or if any of this would've been possible without it.

Tim - Glad I got to see ya' for a bit. Thank you so much for putting these events together. I'm now hooked, and will be attending more.

The whole thing was a blast, and I'm so glad to have made it out there. See ya'll next time!

I'm glad you had a great time. :) I kinda wish I had stuck it out too. Looking forward to next time already! :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
I think the next time we go, Roger and I might be in it just for the camping. Have to find out if Robert Downey jr. Is using his tour bus

I hope you guys stay overnight next time too. But even if you don't, please keep buying lights you don't like, and selling them to me at a discount. LOL :) Thanks again for the good deals :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
Thanks again to everyone for making this otherwise wet rainy event a success. As you guys (and gals) can tell, I really get bummed when the weather isn't decent. I really want to put together a nice event for everyone, and as silly as it sounds, I kinda feel responsible for the bad weather. I'm really happy so many of you stuck it out, and had a great time. I know that I really enjoyed myself while I was there, and again that had everything to do with the fine folks that were there!

It was great to see everyone, and I'm already looking forward to the next FCW/FSM. Stay tuned for updates - the first place I will post about the next event is right here in this thread, so please stay subscribed to this thread for some advanced notice. I had some requests for a winter/cool weather event in cabins, and so I'm looking into options for that. --Tim


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures, but here is one of my tent all the way down in site 11.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
This is an Emisar D4S, that has the coolest back-lighting built in. One of the many great lights that changed hands.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
This is tent actually belongs to TranquilityBase, I asked Stan to stand next to it for a sense of scale. This tent was huge!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
TranquilityBase made a chimney out of an old log that was hollow in the center. It actually worked well to direct the smoke away, and then it got really cool when the flames started shooting out of the top!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 19, 2004
John, I returned to the "scene of the crime"---the crime, pilfering mom's magic chili stirrer--presumed attributable to a masked, furry invader! I canvased the main blue tarp area and the the Stan671 tent site, as well as a wide perimeter...alas, to no avail. I did leave my name with the Park Office however so, there is still the chance...



Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2004
A little late giving my two cents, but it kind of paid off seeing everyone else's awesome posts.

First off, thanks to Tim for planning this adventure and personally contacting me so I would know about it. I have not been on the forum much in the last several years. Life is a busy thing and it was refreshing to return to my old hobby of buying and enjoying flashy things again.

Secondly, thanks again Tim for reminding me to clear out half my garage by returning the worlds largest blue tarp to it's rightful place. It sure did come in handy. I hate to even fathom having to spend two days stuffed into an 8 to 10 person tent with all who attended. Especially Karl wearing his 50 gallon hat! ;)

I guess everyone knows by now that the weather was not ideal for camping and exchanging lights and other cool gadgets. But we all made the best of it and the ribbing and tom foolery was well worth the price of admission. Meeting new people and seeing old friends is what it is all about. Money can't buy the experience's that we shared.

I'd also like to thank everyone who generously brought enough delicious grub to feed an Army. My son was so glad to see lots of protein to keep his physique up to snuff. Scott, he thoroughly enjoyed the hand pressed coffee Sunday morning.

I even managed to buy a couple new light to add to my ever growing collection. Thanks Roger! I will be in contact soon to place another order.

I wish I had the way with words that Karl does, but I guess that comes with age. And I'm not quite caught up to him, yet. Thanks to Karl for covering the event with such detail. Keep up the good work.

The next event can not come soon enough. My attendance is almost a sure thing.