Getting a Brinkmann Maxfire LX to the Philippines


Dec 4, 2004
(Hope this is the forum for it. Moderators please move where appropriate)

Fellow CPF'er but extremely low profile, Mondy and I are just dying to acquire a Brinkmann Maxfire LX and maybe later modifying it with Bugoutgear's drop-in mod.

However, not only don't we have a good-stocked Wal Mart but there is the little problem of DISTANCE and the sticky detail of TERMS OF PAYMENT (we dont have PayPal here). Can anyone refer a reliable online-source which does international shipping?

Our thanks in advance for your replies!
Re: Getting a Brinkmann Maxfire LX to the Philippi

Too bad my next trip to the P.I. will not be until next Feb. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif

If you can figure out how to get the funds to me, I can send them via United States Postal Service (USPS). PM me.