GID tailcap boot that will fit my Fenix?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 12, 2004
I know there are a number of lights out now that are extremely similar to the Fenix platform, some of them with multiple tailcap boots in various colors (example here). I was wondering if anyone knew of a GID boot I could get that would fit my Fenix L2DCE. Any pointers would be appreciated.
No ideas? Should I post in the LED forum instead?
I would suggest that you PM a mod to move your thread, and give them the link to it of course. I personally don't know where you could get something like what you're talking about. Possibly something along the lines of a GITD powder adhesive thing that you put on the existing tailcap. That might work.
Have a good one,
Thanks, flash_bang, and thanks to the mods for moving this.

I noticed that DX has an Ultrafire featuring a GID tailcap boot. Anyone have any idea if it might fit a Fenix? Anyone have a lead on where to score these a separate item?

I emailed DX a few days ago but haven't heard a response. I feel like this could be a popular item if offered as an accessory.
TOTC said:
I noticed that DX has an Ultrafire featuring a GID tailcap boot. Anyone have any idea if it might fit a Fenix?

I have that Ultrafire, as well as a few Fenixes. The Ultrafire cap boot is significantly larger than the Fenix, and wouldn't fit. Fenix is about 11mm diameter, and the Ultrafire's about 15mm.

JetBeam tailcap boots are MUCH closer to Fenix. I think I've got a couple at home I can measure to be sure, but the JetBeam on my desk in front of my has a Fenix boot on it, so I know they're pretty close.

Good luck with JetBeam customer service, though. :ohgeez:

Hi Luigi,
I actually have a good ring of GlowInc paint built up in the area which would be covered by the afterburner. It works great, but I'm a greedy guy so I was hoping for a boot as well, to get more bang for the area

I tried coating the boot in the paint, but it didn't adhere at all, just pretty much made a skin that wouldn't be very durable, so I peeled it off.

Thanks, mchlwise, I appreciate the info on the boot sizes!
You can try buying the after burner sheet and then cutting a small piece with the shape of the boot. sells a GITD adhesive sheet that you can cut to your needs but it is not as bright as the afterburner material.

I am looking for something along the lines like the gitd tailcap button seen in these pics here:

It would look great on my new L0D-CE and my MM L0P. As would a gitd o-ring under the lens (if anyone knows of any that will fit).

Oh, I have the Afterburner for my MM L1P LuxIII. It works pretty good.... for tape I guess. It still holds a good glow a year later. Especially if I am outside for a while or charge it up it my UV light.
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