Ginseng's EDC Utility Case, 2005


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 27, 2003
Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

Hi everyone. I <font color="red">love</font> the SureFire L4. For numerous reasons, it is my favorite EDC light of all time. The unit I proudly EDC is one that I bought from Dan Legg at Tactical Warehouse almost two years ago. This is the same light that recently survived being picked up, chewed up and spat out by a gas powered snow blower. You can read about that crazy situation in this thread.

Recently, my good friend S4MadMan exposed me to the work of one of our resident Luxeon modders/artists, Chop. As a result of this exposure, I decided it was time to upgrade and add to my arsenal. Just FYI, I don't consider my self a flashlight "collector." I only buy and keep what I actually use. So, aside from all the lights that are projects, the only lights I would say I use are my L4 and MagCharger85.

Maybe a year ago, I posted about my L4 EDC rig of that era. There were lots of good comments and consensus about the utility of the L4 and this setup. Well, I'm back now in 2005 to share my revised EDC Backup Kit. Here's the original Ginseng's L4 EDC Rig thread. For on-body carry, my setup remains the RipOffs CO-73 clip-on holster for the Leatherman Wave + light loop.

The Case
Pelican 1020 Micro Case from Kevin at Batterystation. The functionality upgrades I made to this well engineered case consist of adding two strips of tape to provide visibility under all conditions. One is a strip of ultra-high retroreflectance tape from Reflexite. This provides visibility when illuminated by light from distances as great as 1/4 mile in the dark. For example, when walking along a country road and lit by headlights from an oncoming car in the distance. The second strip is of tough, phosphorescent tape. This charges up in direct illumination and glows for 8 hours, or more.

Here is a picture of the EDC Case in daylight.

Here is a picture of the EDC Case viewed in direct-reflected light.

Here is a picture of the EDC Case in the dark after the phosphorescent tape had been charged up.

And finally, here's the internal layout of my EDC backup case. I keep it simple, light and limited to the most useful of components. These are:

1. Aleph 2 head, black HA. TWOJ Lux III, Wizard2 board driven at 1,000mA. This unit is a work of art. Well made, high performing and providing a very useful complementary capability to the L4: it throws a nice tight spot of pure white light. Cheers and gratitude go to Chop for his work and on this unit and his composure and professionalism in the face of the aggravation I put him through trying to find the only worthy companion for my L4.

2. Z57 with two-stage modification (22 ohm). I love the clickie Z57 and it will remain my mainstay. But now for those times when dual-level brightness is advantageous, I will be equipped.

3. Spare Pila 168S. I keep one in this case. As a worst case backup, I also keep 6 x 123 cells in a belt holster. Thanks go to Jon at JSBurly's. He feeds all my lithium ion needs /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

4. Surefire F04 Holographic Diffusing Beamshaper. For those times when an absolutely perfect beam is required. No other technology I know of does this so effectively and efficiently.

So there you have it. Most of you know I'm primarily a hot wire guy. But when I choose LED lights, I am as careful and as methodical selecting them as I am over the top with hot wires. It may be boring to the LED cognoscenti, but I am thrilled as can be.

Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

Sweeeeeet! Just great functional tools stored with good style! Hmmm...TW0J Wiz2 1A! I was about to get the parts for building a new PM6 mod based on that, no doubt it will be great for the Aleph2 as well!

Btw, where do you store this blue case most of the time?
Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

May I ask why you chose a hard, as opposed to soft, case?
Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

I keep my case on the bedside when I'm at home. When I go out, I just toss it in the center armrest console in my car. The case came with a small lanyard but it's not really that functional. When I'm out an about, it's actually small enough to fit into the pockets of my parka and squall jacket. However, I am looking for a strap/clip thingy that I can thread through the loop on the case at the right sides of those photos. Maybe I can have Berkely Point build me one.

I'll have to check, the roll I have was sent to me as a sample.

I prefer the ruggedness of the Pelican case. It's tough, air and water tight and with the "pluck and play" foam insert, it holds all the components securely in place and at ready access. i just don't think I could get that kind of ease of deployment from something like a minicamera bag. They tend to have interiors structured differently from how I'd prefer it.

Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

greenLED said:
What's your source for the glow in the dark tape?

[/ QUOTE ]
the dark tape is retro reflective meaning it reflects light back to the source of the light. this tape is used on life jackets, street cones, street signs, safety vests, etc.

edit: i cant read i thought it said whats the light source for the dark tape
Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

Great Idea,
I just ordered a couple for my "special" lights.

Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

heh, I do the same thing to my Pelican cases,
I use reflective tape, just looks like normal colored tape in teh day,
but reflects really bright from just about any angle, with very little light.

My father gets it from the coal mine he works in, they use it mainly as markers.
Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

Nice! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif
Did the pluck n pull foam come with the case?
Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

Hi Beamhead,

The foam is purchased separately. About $4 IIRC.

Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005



Thanks for posting this. Nice pictures. Nice rig.
Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

The reflective and glow in the dark tapes are just plain great ideas.

And something just pop into my head when I was thinking of this peli case for myself--how about Tritium attachment on case? Then it will always be visible at night regardless of what happened. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

Embedding a tritium marker in optical epoxy would be very cool indeed. The strap loop ,ight be a nice safe place to locate it.

Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

Were did you find that reflective tape, I've been using 3M/Scotchlite?
Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

Hello Wilkey,

Nice set up.

I was wondering if you were planning on demonstrating the durablity of the case by running it through the snow blower as well... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin07.gif

Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

I got a bunch as industrial samples. Gotta love freebies /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

No, I was planning on going for the mulching mower this time. Variety is the spice of life /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Those are small strips of red retroreflective tape stuck in the grooves in the head. In that picture, they're being lit by the camera flash.

Re: Ginseng\'s EDC Utility Case, 2005

Great setup. I have been using GLOWINC ultra green and ultra blue paint and powders in the grooves of my flashlight heads and bodies for awhile. Comes in real handy at times.

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