
Jun 30, 2003
I just read within the Wicked Lasers forum that they will be selling that laser next month. It can be found within this post " any word on this $1300 hand held laser "
Unless it's about 300-400mw the laser is not worth it. It's most likely just a 150>mw PGL-3.
yep... thats what its going to be.. why wouldnt it be worth it though?
Why would you want to spend $1300 through WL when you can get one for $700-800 directly from CNI.
no, the forum he was talking about they were discussing the $1300 price if you buy from laserglow... wicked will have REALLY great prices on them but the powers may not be the same as if you were to order direct... we will see though about mid-March
Ok well the $1300 price thing wasn't too clear. I guess if they are about the same mw you get from CNI then maybe they are worth it.
Chris can probably get a really good price in bulk volume which possibly could end up being even cheaper.
Hmmm, just speculation.

Way out. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif

I put my money on PGL-III's appearing around $450-$500... maybe even for a 150mw. Don't ask. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleye11.gif
Thats right, it is just speculation, but i'd bet my left t... err leg that they should be waaaaaaayyyy cheaper than laserglow etc
DaFiend said:
Correct. But i'm not sure who owns wicked now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why whats changed? Emailed Chris a couple of days ago - he still seems to be in control.
i'm not sure. just what wicked said over at .tk. he still is about, but doesn't own it anymore. But i'm sure someone will pop up here and rant about how easy its to change whois etc etc, and that chris still owns it rant rant. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sick2.gif

but this is thread is about PGL-III's and how wicked will be stocking them soon.