Going to change work places...


Jan 28, 2004
Brooklyn NY
I just got called to work for the FDNY. I'm going to start as an EMT and possibly if they get their stuff together and do the Paramedic extension I will do that too. Otherwise I will have to wait until september to work as a paramedic. I'm kind of torn since I have a decent job now but I like fire dept security little more even if it pays less. Plus I can cross over into regular fire fighting since I would be the first one asked if I want to switch.

Both jobs are important and honorable work.So do the job that is most satifying to you- and may God bless your efforts.
Less light money at first but more chances for overtime which means more light money. Hmmm... plans for the future: downpayment for the house, kids college fund, flashlight fund.
All the best to you in your decision, and hope your new job is both enjoyable and rewarding. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Good for you Matt!! Just keep working hard!And buying those Flashlights /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif

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