Going to Korea - Buy JIL-Lite Light?? Where??


Newly Enlightened
Apr 19, 2005
Hello there... especially to the Korean friends!!

I'll be on holiday to Korea from 29 April ~ 5 May with my wife.
And I'm very interested in a (or a few) JIL light.

Unfortunately, the site (jilite.com) is in Korean and I don't understand it.

Is there anywhere in Korea I can buy JIL? I'll be in Seoul at maybe 3~4 May (it's a guided tour and my wife's in charge... will check the schedule with her...)

My email address is [email protected]

Hello Warren!

Don't think I'll get e-mail access in Korea.

As I mentioned, I'm on guided tour (arranged by me wifey...! She doesn't have detailed info from tour agent yet). Getting the impression that I'll be herded around during the day. So, it's during the evenings that I can maybe walk around and explore your beautiful country.

I'm also looking out for shops that carry Strider knives!

BTW What's the weather like now? Sweater or thick leather jacket?


Edit: Typo errors....
You can get internet access quite easily in Korea, they have internet cafe'shops everywere. I spent a year there a few years back and a sweater should be fine. While you are there, enjoy the food and Soju... great combination.
Sean : I will PM you my mobile phone number timely. And beware Soju, especially don't drink Soju mixed with beer. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad71.gif
mmmm bulgogi, been a while since I had Korean food, sounds good think I might have to go get me some......drooling....

Haha, reading this thread make me want to go Korean food, in fact, I will just do that!
Guys.... Now you make me feel like having Korean food. Good thing is that I have a good restaurant about 30min drive away. Bad thing is that they are expensive, but very good and authentic Korean food.

Soju is good with quite a few things. Years ago, I used to work with a Korean geo-technic sub-contractor, Sambo. Man, they can drink soju by the pints. I'm only about 25% of their capacity and that's after 1 year of training.

But seriously, I'm looking for an outdoor store that sells JIL lights and (crossing ma fingers) Strider knives, i.e. AR or SNG (can't find those in Singapore).

I'm sure Korea's full of internet cafe. Problem's that I'm part of a guided tour group, i.e. being herded around, up and down coaches and photo-snapping... So i'm pretty certain I don't have enough free time. Am planning to hit the stores with whatever free time I have.

BTW We were thinking of touring Korea ourselves, enjoying the great weather, good food and wonderful people (my wife's 3rd trip there). However, I only have a week's leave. That's why the guided tour....
Can you pick up one for me too?? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Seriously, have a good time and soak up the sights.
Hi Sean!
Good to see a Korean related thread at CPF! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Actually the only off-line seller of Jillites is "Vehicletech", which is eTendue's shop. I'm not sure whether they have them left in stock though. You'd better call him anyways.

I don't think you can legally take those knives with you when you go back home, but I'll introduce a good knife shop in Seoul. They have thousands of knives and are an official retail seller of surefire products. Not cheap though.. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

Visit knifegallery.co.kr or call 02-735-4430 and ask for Mr.Kim. He will guide you to the shop in English. You won't regret visiting that shop.

Hope this helped you. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Has browse thru knifegallery.co.kr and wow.....??!!

I'm not sure if that's the normal price for knives in Korea but WOW...!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif I'm shocked!!!

They are being sold for 2~4 times the normal prices you can find at New Graham Knives!! http://www.newgraham.com

Ok... I'll visit the shop if I can find time but I've very very very sure I can't afford anything from them (unless it's ok to bargain for a lower price, but i'm not sure about sales practices and customs in Korea) . However, with that base prices, I don't think I can afford them even after a huge discount /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif)

But hey, thanks for the pointer!!
I agree.. Knife market in Korea is not that big, and that shop makes a monopoly of the market. Too expensive..

No one wants to buy from that shop, but the display is awesome. Almost like a knife musium. You could visit and give a glance.

I only visit the shop when I find a cool knife on the net and want to see the real one. For me that shop is a musiem, not a shop. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
