Golight? Anyone seen this? $149.00

I saw two of the yellow colored version on my Aunt's yacht a few months ago. I fired one up but it was in broad daylight so I couldn't judge the output. They appear to be well made.
Any idea how powerful that 55 watt bulb will be?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">My guess is that they are using a 6v 55 watt H3, automotive style bulb. I have a sealed lead-acid spotlight that uses this bulb, it claims 1,000,000 c/p, and I'd say thats about what it is capable of. Of course candle power is a function of the beam geometry, the brightest part of the spot. This new light touts an advanced reflector, and may be capable of better beam dynamics. As far as the bulb, I like them. They are reasonably vibration resistant, and due to the fact that they serve as headlights in 6 volt motorcycle/utility vehicle applications, they last a long, long time. The only thing I doubt about the claims of this light are the run times. Fifteen minutes is pushing it for my 4a/h lead/acid battery, I can't see how the lower capacity NiMh batteries could provide 30 minutes. And what's with the single LED pilot light only lasting 1 hour? It did state the led was 1 watt, could it be a LS? And even if it is a LS, 1 watt for 1 hr sucks compared to 55 watts for 30 min!!
Geez, I just read the ad again, they state the low power setting (browsing light) is 1.6 watt, and a led. I wonder if something was messed up in the translation from, what ever language they speak in its country of origin, to english. Kind of reminds me of a 30" Chinese "Crescent" wrench I have. It is stamped with a moniker like so many import tools are. However this particularly big, heavy and otherwise totally manly wrench is totally betrayed by it ***** name. They thought "hey fairy's are cool, and lions are tough and mean, why not call it the Fairy Lion?!" No Joke!
Similar idea to the $15.99 "Expeditions" Spot light/Lantern at Big Lots. Similar main bulb. Same handle config. The switch(s) are not one hand stuff. And the second light on an Ex is a PR based Argon? stock. Mine has a Krypton bulb now.

Ain't no way you could force me to pay $149.99 for someting of VERY little percieved better-ness.