Good gooseneck LED lights? (tiny head for looking inside fountain pens)

Zebralight (if you want a pure flood)
Fenix has that new one coming out, 1AA-127L


OOps... I thought you meant crimp-neck. please disregard the above recommendation.
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You could get the Nite-ize fiber optic filter. I have the long one. It goes onto Eseries surefires perfectly but was made for AA Mini Mags.

I use it to look into the barrels of my guns. borelights might not be the right size. But the Nite-ize fiber optic filter is really tiny.

oops just saw that I got beat out two posts above me.
The nite ize thing looks perfect
The only dedicated goosenecks I've seen are the coasts with the button cell LED light on the end and the AAAA Streamlight
How about this one from Ace Hardware. It runs on 1 AAA. Seems like it cost me about $8.

