Good price on Photon 3!


Newly Enlightened
Apr 10, 2001
Asheville, NC
This is the site that I buy most of my caving gear from. They have the Photon 3 for $20, best price I have seen.
Also, I did not realize there were two different models of the Photon 3. One with one battery and the other with two batteries. Sounds like the two bat one should be really bright. Anyone compared the two?
BTW, I am not affiliated with this site (IMO) at all. I just like them and have gotten excellent service from them, so I like to recommend them whenever I can.
Also, I did not realize there were two different models of the Photon 3. One with one battery and the other with two batteries. Sounds like the two bat one should be really bright. Anyone compared the two?

Actually the number of batteries is related to the LED colour- you see- red, orange and yellow LEDs only require 2-2.5 volts to run, so those Photons only need a single 3 volt cell. White, blue, green and Turquoise LEDs because of their different die chemistry (the way the bit inside that glows is made) need 3.6 to 4 volts- one cell is not enough for any decent light so those colour Photons use two cells giving 6 volts. The little flat cells can`t deliver enough current to fry the LEDs on that excessive voltage- so the voltage actually reduces to a safer level that the LED can handle.

Green Photon-2s used to use a single cell I believe- and they changed it to 2 cells to make it brighter. I may be wrong there but I was sure I once saw reference to one-cell greens as well.

Good price on Photon-3s there by the way.
