Google Map for Candlepowerforum Members


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 12, 2010
For quite some time I thought it would be cool to have a Google Map where all CPF users could add their location. I searched CPF and couldn't find anything existing so I made one. I have left the editing "open" to anyone who has the link.

I'm not suggesting that we pinpoint everyone's home, but maybe you can just locate the city if you wish to participate with a bit less detail.

It's hard for me to verify this is working correctly as I don't have two Google accounts.

I hope it will work correctly and people enjoy using it! I would be very interested to see where members are located all over the world

Here's the link:

**Moderators - I had a hard time determining which forum to post this in. If you feel it is better suited elsewhere, please move it. ****
How do I add my location? Might I also suggest you create a free Google (Gmail) account) as this gives you access to all things Google so you can evaluate it? Thanks for the idea.
To add a location, you must first be logged in to Google. If you don't have an account, you'll have to create one.

Then, click the upside down teardrop as shown.

How do I add my location?

Edit: I'm too slow! mckeand13 beat me to the punch!

  1. Find your location on the map. You can position the map manually or you can type your city/state/country in the search box at the top of the map
  2. Press the button on the toolbar (just below the search box) to create a new marker
  3. The cursor will change to a "+" which you can place over your general location on the map. Click the mouse when it is positioned properly.
  4. A marker will be placed and will have a generic name such as "Point 8." You can edit this information and replace it with your username or anything else you wish.
  5. When finished, hit "Save"
  6. Congratulate yourself on a job well done! :twothumbs
Moving this to the Cafe.


I thought about originally posting this in the Cafe, but I still thought it was flashlight related so posted it in the general forum.

It's unfortunate that this thread resides in the Cafe as I don't think it will get the exposure or participation that it would otherwise. In the years that I have been a member I have looked in the Cafe one time, to see what type of posts were there. It is what it is.

I thought about originally posting this in the Cafe, but I still thought it was flashlight related so posted it in the general forum.

It's unfortunate that this thread resides in the Cafe as I don't think it will get the exposure or participation that it would otherwise. In the years that I have been a member I have looked in the Cafe one time, to see what type of posts were there. It is what it is.
The list is growing!

It look like a number of people have placed points but have not renamed them to their username. They are currently just labeled "Point 23", "Point 24" ect.

Please check to make sure you have named your point with your CPF userid.
