Got a CMG Reactor


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 10, 2000
Picked up a CMG Reactor at EMS the other day. Had originally decided not to buy one after seeing some greenish beam shots on the forum. But impulse got the best of me.

There is hint of green in my Reactor's beam, but I only noticed it because I knew to look. It really is subtle, so I have no complaints about the color. The large plastic head looks goofy but the flashlight holds well in the hand. (Side note: I consider well engineered plastics to be a plus, not a minus.) Not real wild with the unusual way the twist head turns it on and off. You can ususally feel a detent for the on positions, but off is in these weird "no man's lands" between the ons. The light also flickers as you adjust between on and off. You can see the lens move front and back as you twist, but I don't believe it has anything to do with focusing. The front and back action is for opening and closing the circuit (switching on/off).

The beam is a nice compromise between focused and wide, thanks to the way it tapers nice and evenly from the hot spot out. No rings, etc. It's a few times brighter than my PT Attitude. I'm sure other LS's are brighter, but for $32 I think the Reactor is a good deal. I always recomend the Attitude as a person's first LED light. The Reactor may get the nod for one's first LS.

Will post some beam pics if I get the time.
I think this light will be dimmer with the 1.2 volt NiMH batteries. They really show their stuff with high current loads by not having the voltage drop of Alkalines, but 1.2 volts is not going to be as bright. Alkalines should dim quickly because the light is unregulated. Although expensive, this light seems made for Lithium cells. They should supply a high current for most of their life, unlike alkalines but provide 1.6 or 1.7 volts for a bright light. Also they weigh less.
Tried the NIMH and the light was very dim. When newly charged the ouput was similar to a photon. A pair that had been sitting around for a month made the light as dim as a Inifinity. An old set of lithiums that were mostly depleted from my digicam were brighter than alkalines. No doubt, Li would be ideal, but unless I can find another great deal on them, they're just too expensive. (A year or two ago I found Energizer Li AA Photo batts for $2/2pack.)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RonM:
Tried the NIMH and the light was very dim. When newly charged the ouput was similar to a photon. A pair that had been sitting around for a month made the light as dim as a Inifinity. An old set of lithiums that were mostly depleted from my digicam were brighter than alkalines. No doubt, Li would be ideal, but unless I can find another great deal on them, they're just too expensive. (A year or two ago I found Energizer Li AA Photo batts for $2/2pack.)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ron-just slip 3-2/3 "AA"" Nicad/Nimh cells into the barrel -(and use a short spacer) for 3.6 volt operation. I think you'll notice a little difference in performance.
As myself and other's have posted, the CMG Reactor works best with lithiums. As you've already seen, with NIMH's it is functionally useless. With alkaline's it will dim very quickly as well. With lithium's this light really shines (no pun intended). It will dim very slowly and give several hours of good light. Mr. Ted Bear has posted a runtime graph if you care to do a search for it. This is a direct drive light so maintaining voltage is very important.