i traded my old pc for a digital camera its pretty nice it has 12x optical zoom its a panosinc i like it i think but i never knew panosoinic maked caemareas
Nice camera, Raggie! I think those Panasonics use Leica lenses, too!! If it's not the stabilized model hand holding past about 5X will be tough, but that's normal. Great find. I've always liked Panasonic products.
If it's the camera I think it is(Panasonic Lumix???), you certainly got yourself a good one raggs /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif
Hey, now you can go over and post a picture of yourself in that "picture posting" thread. If you want to ofcoarse /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
it is a fz15 the person said they got a new dslr and they needed a new pc this camera took less then 4 pics cause it only had 8 meg card .they will buy me 1 gig card if i install a dvd burner for em so far i love the cam it has a apature of 2.8 even at 12x zoom i think its the best non dslr camera made
nah i think more it aint the best at all cause its so big..but other then that i rate it very high it has manual mode thats so cool but only 8 sedonds shuter speeds i think 8 isnt long enough it goes up to 1/2000 which ius very fast for action shots but 8 seconds is not long enough