Got my new LGI. Now I believe the "hype"


Oct 13, 2001
Which turned out not to be hype, but rather an accurate description of this light's impressive power.

I haven't tried some of the other available "LED power mods", but I'd be very surprised if any were brighter.

If this light had a 4-6 hour bright runtime it would seem like the product of an advanced alien civilization


How did you get one? It was my understanding Mr. Bulk had not done another production run and therefore was not selling them.

It is a 3AA user modification. See his site here:
Many of the user mods are much better than what can be attained from a major manufacturer. They are precious commodities.

There are new versions of another user's mods that are for 2AA flashlights. They just became available again last night. They look like this:

Originally posted by dat2zip:

Here is a first look at what the new modules look like and what the two badboy converter boards look like. These are my proto boards ...


<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">This is page 5 of the discussion in the mod forum;f=14;t=000444;p=5

Which has this link to buy them:
LGI = Long Gun Illuminator.

Made by Mr. Bulk, CPF member #1

- Luxeon star modification made out of a brinkmann 3aa body.
Originally posted by Icebreak:

How did you get one? It was my understanding Mr. Bulk had not done another production run and therefore was not selling them......*edit*
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I think it was pure dumb luck and timing. I emailed him and he just happened to have a new Luxeon shipment, most of which were below par, but a few were OK ("in the middle range of what I feel is appropriate for LGI" -= NOTE: that's my paraphrase of what he said; not verbatim)
So I Paypalled him and ---voila!. It is frustrating isn't it? These great limited edition mods by CPF's creators are like jewels that appear and disappear almost without warning. Luck and Timing!

Originally posted by brightnorm:
It is frustrating isn't it? These great limited edition mods by CPF's creators are like jewels that appear and disappear almost without warning.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Yes, a little, but I'm learning to enjoy it. Please feel free to enjoy my frustration too.

Seriously, congratulations on your new jewel! If you get bored with with it; give me a shout.

Thanks for the props.


The first time I stumbled onto a whole bunch of really sensational Luxeons, so I decided to do the run. Since then I have had to stretch my budget thin by ordering a small batch at a time, testing each one individually, and if they manage to achieve a certain threshold of brightness for my purposes, I make an LGI or two. The rest I sell off in bulk or save for mad scientist experiments.

Now Brightnorm just happened to inquire when I received and tested a dozen LS's, and I had found a few real gems.

Right now I think I know where there is yet another bunch of really bright white-blue Luxeons, but I would have to come up with an initial outlay of over $700 because I'd have to buy them all, plus NX-05 optics, plus transport to Hawaii. I am not sure I would want to do that unless I knew beforehand that they were pre-sold (and paid for). Now who in their right minds would do that?
Hey, you're absolutely right! Who in their right mind would do that!?

Well whoever they are, they'll have to be after me.

I'm in.

Also, sometime in the future would you consider a 1W Royal Blue? Or maybe you could just let go of that blue 5 watter you built. Surely, you've grown weary of it's irritating beam.
Originally posted by MR Bulk:
Right now I think I know where there is yet another bunch of really bright white-blue Luxeons, but I would have to come up with an initial outlay of over $700 because I'd have to buy them all, plus NX-05 optics, plus transport to Hawaii. I am not sure I would want to do that unless I knew beforehand that they were pre-sold (and paid for). Now who in their right minds would do that?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Hmmm... how about me?
Charlie, I'm in also, but only if they're brighter than the one you sent me.

I would be interested in one too, Charlie.

My LGI is nice and bright but has a bit of green in the corona. Actually it is more yellow, I guess.

I was just thinking earlier today that it would be nice to have one that was more blue/white. Seems like serendipity to me.

I would be willing to pre-order and pre-pay.

Hey, I'd be up for this too (the prepay and later-play plan). I missed out on all the LGI buys and all my Mark Hannah Surplus purchases have been totally pea green duds. Still puzzles me as to who's doing the Luxeon pre-screening, tho ...

Originally posted by MR Bulk:
Now who in their right minds would do that?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Well Charlie, that pretty much summs up my situation, eh?

For everyone else, I can't begin to tell you guys how quick you can get well over a thousand dollars tied up in building some mods to sell.

Reading comments about perceptions of "slightly green" in the corona or wanting one that is "brighter than the last", makes me choose NOT to sell my mods via mail. I only sell locally to people who can see what they're getting, that way no one can say they're not happy with the light output from one of my mods.

The truth is that I hate getting disappointed by substandard products just like most people do. My hat is off to guys like MrBulk who are willing to go the extra mile (by selling over the Internet) to share their mods with people who otherwise would not have an opportunity to get one.

So I guess what I'm saying is that it's very difficult to sell even the best product without someone out there having too high of expectations and then thinking it should somehow have been better. We build our products with the BEST possible components that we can find...and that is the best we can do.
I already have a LGI, but I'ld buy one of the LS's to put in a Brinkman Direct Drive Wayne built for me & the LS failed. TX
Originally posted by txwest:
I already have a LGI, but I'ld buy one of the LS's to put in a Brinkman Direct Drive Wayne built for me & the LS failed. TX
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Is this one of the Luxeon that failed while using NiMh cells to drive it?

I had been meaning to e-mail you and ask if you were ever able to positively determine if NiMh batteries had caused a failure (or decrease in brightness) of your "Elektrolumens Blaster".

My reason for wondering is that I have been building Brinkmann 3AA mods and running them all on NiMh AA cells without any problems. I like that the NiMh's run at nearly a constant brightness for their life and fall off rapidly when the charge is depleted.