Got tips for Oveready BOSS / Triple V5.1file / programming issues?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 25, 2008
Pimeria Alta
Hello all. I'm hoping someone may have had a similar problem to mine and has found a solution. A while back I was headed out the door for a dog walk and entered the pin 111 voltage check. Don't know if a flubbed pin entry had anything to do with the result or it was just coincidence, but instead of my 8 custom modes on File 1 I just had 4: fast flash red / fast flash red / @5 lumen white / @5 lumen white. Entering pin 4 to change files gave me a slow blink of secondary red combined with 5 lumen low, not the expected red blink for each file number, so no way to move to another file to see if it would work. All of the other pins on Page 5 of the lux-rc instructions worked as expected.

After tinkering around on the lux-rc page for hours and hours I finally got the Oveready Factory Program to load. Good news is that the pin 4 worked again and I could change files, and Files 2 through 4 still functioned properly with the factory presets. Bad news is that File 1 appears to take a program (since the red light turns off), but no matter what I try to load the end result is a mode/modes of 5 lumen low.

My big concern is: I'm kinda skeered to try putting in a custom file over one of the preset files in case that goes haywire too. I would like to hear from anyone who has changed their program on the lux-rc site recently to confirm all is working well. And of course from anyone who has encountered this problem!

Thanks! RVW

PS: I was planning to contact Electronguru for help but on going to the Oveready site I read the sad news that the outfit is shutting down for now. I wish Dan and his family all the best and a healthy New Year!
I can´t help you with your issue but since the BOSS lighst are made by TorchLab and not by Oveready, you could try to contact Tom.

He repaired a defective v5.0 Dropin for me a few years ago at no cost. Took ages though (over a year iirc). But if the issue is the board itself I fear it´s not replaceable right now. My guess one of their current problems is the avalability of the LUX-RC boards from russia.

Unfortunatelly I don´t remember Tom´s username on CPF.
Thanks, Eric! Tom's username here was Moddoo, but searching I see he and Dan haven't posted on CPF for years. Dunno why. I don't find anything current on Google for TorchLab, but I do hope he and Dan can make a go of it again, they were the biggest reason I got so interested in flashlights in the first place.

I tried programming one of the good files in the dropin again tonight and got some really strange results. I did finally get the Oveready Factory Progam to load and work, but no old saved or newly made custom programs resulted in anything useable.

I am awful sentimental about my old C2 so am looking for a new hi-speed dropin for it. I'd like to ask you if you've had any experience with triple vs. quad optics ( I'm thinking about the SkyLumens / Vinh modules and he is only listing quads at the moment). All things being equal will a narrow quad throw as far as a narrow triple? I'm hoping to get something with throw equal to that of the 4000k XPLs in the Oveready Triple.

Unfortunately for me Vinh doesn't list any Neutrals, but I am seriously considering the SFT40 3000K HCRI. I imagine that will be mighty rosy, but I have been reading that the SFT40s 4000K and above have an awful lot of green, and I hate green in a tint. Vinh's (bench not OTF) specs on the 3000K quad are 4000L, 30Kcd, and 346m, so without any experience at all with the SFT40 I am hoping real world that will meet or beat the 3000L OTF of the Oveready XPLs.

Thanks again & have a great day, RVW
I do have a lot of triples and a few quads as well. Unfortunatelly (for you) I never really cared for the difference and can´t tell you if there is a difference in throw. I just compared a V5.0 triple (more or less the same as a BOSS) with an Emisar quad (just what I had at hand right now) and the V5´s beam seems to produce a brighter/tighter spot. The Emisar is a 3000K XP-L though while I don´t know remember the ratring of the V5 dropin (XP-L @ 4000k or 4500k I´d guess). Just the observation on a white wall from a guy who isn´t really picky in that regards.

I understand you sentiment about the C2. I had lot´s of surefires and more than 20 C2s over the last 20 years and sold them all but a very few (no 18650/21700, therefore shitty runtime, not bright enough...) but kept two C2s because it is the best Sufire design in my opinion.

Good luck with your BOSS!

Thank you for taking the time to do that comparison. I would guess that the smaller surface area of the quad would limit throw, but funny how I can't find any discussion of that here on the forum. I'll be contacting Vinh to see what he recommends.

I looked at your photos of your light collection, that is awe inspiring. Ausgezeichnet, I must say.

I had four of my Surefires bored out to 18mm by Oveready about 14 years ago, back before he got too fancy to offer such a service. Two of those are C2s, gotta have a spare just in case!

Cheers, RVW

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