Greater throw - Tiablo MA6 or JETBeam Jet-III Ultra?

I came to the light...

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 4, 2007
Which flashlight has better throw? I know the rest well enough. I'm just surprised I haven't seen any numbers for the Ultra. Visual comparison is all I need, although numbers would be great.

If somebody has the Ultra and a similar light, a throw comparison between the two would still be useful, as I can link it to the MA6 through somebody who has numbers for your similar light and the MA6.

Thanks in advance.
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Jet-III Pro - 9500lux/1m
Jet-III Ultra SMO - 10500lux/1m
Tiablo MA6 SMO - 15000lux/1m
Tiablo MA6 OP - 11500lux/1m
Jet-III Pro - 9500lux/1m
Jet-III Ultra SMO - 10500lux/1m
Tiablo MA6 SMO - 15000lux/1m
Tiablo MA6 OP - 11500lux/1m

wow, thanks - just what I was hoping for. Is that your own data, or did I miss something?

Kind of disappointing that the Ultra really doesn't improve throw, although its reflector is so much bigger.

Now I'm going to get greedy - do you have a number for the Jet-III M?
Looks like Jet-III M and Pro have the same reflector.

I don't have Ultra but results are quite accurate but I compared them to someone who has both Pro and Ultra.