wickedlasers_com said:
and we aren't the same company as Cleverlaser
[/ QUOTE ]
Are you kidding me...both of the websites are designed the EXACT same way.
More then that this quote is on BOTH websites:
"Profit is necessary, but it is only a condition for staying in business and not the purpose. The real function of a business is to serve human needs"
So both companies just happen to:
A:...have the SAME web designer
B:...use the SAME quote about profit
C:...direct business to each other's website.
But they are not the same company. Clever Lasers website even states:
"While there is still a great potential for green laser products with output over 5mW, we will direct you to our partner website. We simply exchange link traffic with Wicked Lasers and they direct 5mW laser purchasers to us in return. Wicked Lasers is the best site for high powered green lasers and their prices are unmatched."
So, Clever Laser and Wicked Lasers are
"partner" websites. But they are
not affiliated with them in any way. The sheer definition of "partner" when in the context of "partner websites" designates that you
ARE affiliated.
More evidence is the registration information for both of the websites themselves.
(Server Used: [ whois.onlinenic.com ])
www.wickedlasers.com = []
Registrant: Chris Tao -
[email protected]
PO BOX 502
Storrs CT 06268
Domain servers:
www.cleverlaser.com = []
Registrant: Chris Tao -
[email protected]
PO BOX 502
Storrs CT 06268
Domain servers:
OK...so both of the companies have websites on the
SAME IP, registered by the
SAME person, with the
SAME address, and the
SAME phone number. But the two companies are completely seperate, and are not affiliated in any way. Interesting.
How can you possibly attest that you are not "affiliated" let alone the same company when you clearly are.