Yes, 100W soldering gun is way too big for almost everything we do. Sorry.
All above are good advice for you.
Especially Unabomber's advice to get any old device (that is junk anyway) and practice on it. That's how I got started. I used to take old TV's and strip the components off of the boards 'cause I couldn't afford to buy resistors and capacitos and such.
Go for the cheap stuff to start with. I still use my $8 Radio Shack soldering iron (30W) for every project I've posted here on CPF. For the delicate tiny parts, I use a light dimmer to cool the iron down a bit.
Bare basics... Iron, solder, solder-sucker OR desoldering braid.
My recommendations: (do you have a Radio Shack near you?)
64-2802 - $8
(Top to bottom, Left to right)
30W iron, part holder/pick?, heatsink, solder, iron stand
64-2060 - $10
desoldering iron, 45W
heats the connection directly pulling nearly ALL the solder off when you release the squeeze bulb.
I have one and LOVE it versus a trigger-type "sucker".
64-015 - $3
and some more solder.