had the sheriff and deputy arrive at my house today!!!!


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
so i love to hike and go far beyond the paths in the park well today someone called the police on me i didnt even know it to latter. he said i looked homeless . i know i dont dress fancy but come on lol. i guess the sheriff was looking for me lol i thought i saw him but he drive a unmakered truck so i wasnt sure thought it may just be a weirdo lol. well it was the sheriff so many hours latter after my hike the deputy stopped me and soon the sheriff arrived. they was nice and im always nice.... btw was a fun fun hike there are miles and miles and miles of land a 1/2 mile from me with no houses no roads etc etc......i saw so much cool wild life so many pretty creeks and a course are lake.. i asked sheriff if its ok if i still hike there he said a course but asked me to bring a phone incase something happens. im lucky to have sucha wonderfull sheriff and deputys
Some people are too paranoid.
When I stopped skateboarding I started photographing skateboarders that would gather at malls and such and do their flippty tricks. That was until the 3rd time a police officer said somebody had called them to say some gray haired guy was photographing the children.

I'd ride around the city on my beach cruiser with a nice camera and take photos of interesting things, like skateboarders, barking dogs, trash cans or whatever caught my attention. I may have looked like a homeless guy to some? The cops knew me so it was no biggie but it was aggrevating.
so i love to hike and go far beyond the paths in the park well today someone called the police on me i didnt even know it to latter. he said i looked homeless . i know i dont dress fancy but come on lol. i guess the sheriff was looking for me lol i thought i saw him but he drive a unmakered truck so i wasnt sure thought it may just be a weirdo lol. well it was the sheriff so many hours latter after my hike the deputy stopped me and soon the sheriff arrived. they was nice and im always nice.... btw was a fun fun hike there are miles and miles and miles of land a 1/2 mile from me with no houses no roads etc etc......i saw so much cool wild life so many pretty creeks and a course are lake.. i asked sheriff if its ok if i still hike there he said a course but asked me to bring a phone incase something happens. im lucky to have sucha wonderfull sheriff and deputys
Everybody is afraid of their own shadow these days, or else they want to extinguish someone else's shadow ha ha.
It's a dang shame but Life has changed since 911 and Covid.
Some people are too paranoid.
When I stopped skateboarding I started photographing skateboarders that would gather at malls and such and do their flippty tricks. That was until the 3rd time a police officer said somebody had called them to say some gray haired guy was photographing the children.

I'd ride around the city on my beach cruiser with a nice camera and take photos of interesting things, like skateboarders, barking dogs, trash cans or whatever caught my attention. I may have looked like a homeless guy to some? The cops knew me so it was no biggie but it was aggrevating.
Yeah it seems that sex is always the first thing they think of. Can't be anything innocent it has to be something bad, it just has to be.

When people are faced with a choice between believing if someone did something bad or something good, they always choose to believe they did something bad.
the county owns it but stopped maintaining it. its a ashasme its so nice i was just a few minutes taling to a local about it. we dont have a mayor but im going to get all this changed a well maintined park will bring in people to are small town who will buy stuff maybe even we can charge to get in park . its so wierd i can see where at one time there was a wooden pathe. i my self spent over 40 hours cleaning up the path. but then again maybe it will suck if more humans go out there lol
im lucky i know the sheriff ive spoke to him many times and know all the deputys not by name but i know them .all are nice. but i never have troulbe with cops im nice to them there nice back and i dont break laws
Some people are too paranoid.
When I stopped skateboarding I started photographing skateboarders that would gather at malls and such and do their flippty tricks. That was until the 3rd time a police officer said somebody had called them to say some gray haired guy was photographing the children.

I'd ride around the city on my beach cruiser with a nice camera and take photos of interesting things, like skateboarders, barking dogs, trash cans or whatever caught my attention. I may have looked like a homeless guy to some? The cops knew me so it was no biggie but it was aggrevating.
You familiar with Daido Moriyama? One of my favorite photographers. Your post reminded me of how he likes to take photos. I really like this documentary.
btw this sisnt the first time i was mistaken for being homless lol. im not a fancy dresser and cloths dont match but i shave and im clean. most days my entire wardrobe cost a few bucks well maybe 14 bucks for pants and shirt lol
btw this sisnt the first time i was mistaken for being homless lol. im not a fancy dresser and cloths dont match but i shave and im clean. most days my entire wardrobe cost a few bucks well maybe 14 bucks for pants and shirt lol

You're lucky around here you are lucky if you can find a roll of used toilet paper for 14 bucks (ha ha) :)

Seriously though, I don't think I can find a shirt for 14 bucks and pants would be around $20 if I get lucky. Target sells men's pants, but the biggest waist size is like 28 or something like that. They would be around $25 anyway.

The fact of the matter is -

When you dress like a member of the Dewey Crowe family, the cops will eventually want to speak with you.
so i love to hike and go far beyond the paths in the park well today someone called the police on me i didnt even know it to latter. he said i looked homeless . i know i dont dress fancy but come on lol. i guess the sheriff was looking for me lol i thought i saw him but he drive a unmakered truck so i wasnt sure thought it may just be a weirdo lol. well it was the sheriff so many hours latter after my hike the deputy stopped me and soon the sheriff arrived. they was nice and im always nice.... btw was a fun fun hike there are miles and miles and miles of land a 1/2 mile from me with no houses no roads etc etc......i saw so much cool wild life so many pretty creeks and a course are lake.. i asked sheriff if its ok if i still hike there he said a course but asked me to bring a phone incase something happens. im lucky to have sucha wonderfull sheriff and deputys
Raggie, I'm glad to see that this all ended with a positive interaction with law enforcement.

What kinds of wildlife did you see? Hiking in the woods is so relaxing and enjoyable. Take some pictures next time and share them with us.
ps thats the beneift of being a law obeying person who is polite to the police. bet you those who are rude the police would of kept them from going back. me im yes sir no sir and always wave to them. and talked to them all a few times just thinking thank for there service