hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2001
Atlanta, GA>> The Flashlight that was broken shall
the greenie is soooo so so so so sooooooooooo cool! i still feel as if i just got it. sure the button is flaky but i plan on replaceing the switch anyway with a p3 bourd. i love touring the 'hood and night and terrorizing people. i found that you can open the beam to 4ft at 100ft when you writeright it- thus i can use it as a presision spotlight
same width as a window at certain ranges

i find that the new yellow(flourecent) caution signs go bionic with the greenie in day and night . yes day too. i love doing sniper lasing in daylight with the greenie mounted on a rifle scope(no rifle just the scope) -X marks the spot as they say and it sure turns heads. in the other direction that is.
i realize that lasers are not welcome in boy scouts but i dont care. after all - with out me (and others) there would be no boy scouts. i mean - what are they gonna do, say "give me the laser"? if i were a scout yes they could( well they could ask- they would not get it). the thing is - it would be a cute trick for a scout to demand that a ASM give any thing to him. this assistant scoutmaster has made eagle and is part of the powerstructure- ie OVER MY DEAD BODY!

thus the greenie will go to the big gathering (1000 people?) of troops to prepare the scout camp for the summer
the neat thing is- the air is full of minute dirt particles(an led beam is visable) so the laser-any laser- will be highly visable. you can fill inthe rest

also going with me is the surefire 12PM 500lum. i suppose that that will give sufficiant light-dont you?
time to show the MAG lovers what a real light should perform like.(laughs like a maniac)
an assortment of others will go ofcourse but those are the main sqeeze

so - what do you do in your spare time?
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

Just wondering, do you sleep with your greenie?

Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

Quick, give that man some diazepam and a new set of AAA batteries.
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

Trevor, one of these days you`re going to get yourself locked up...or shot

Be careful with that thing.

And if you shine it in my eyes I`ll kick your @ss! Then get my own back with this monster...


Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

What is that hissing noise? Oh, it is the
sound of air escaping from Aragorn's over
inflated head!
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

bigwuss- you pick on me alot- verify whether or not you mean it in jest(i have had more than my share in my time[who didnt pick on the quiet 55lb 7th grader?] and these days i dont handle continouse critisism well) or whether you are really just being mean

all- apparently my reply disapeared- i had said that i sleep with the laser 4 in. from my head and- MY PRECIOUS!!!!
WHERE IS IT(thinks)!!! ....got it now-it was upstairs

hahahahahaha hahaahahahahahahahahaha ahhahahahahhahahhahahahha hahahahhahahhahah hahahhahhahahahahahahahahhahha hahahahhahahahhahahha hahahahhahah hahahhahhah hahahhahahhahahha hahhahahhahhahh hahhahhahahhahaahhahahhahhahh hahahahahhahah hahahhaahhahhahahhahhahahahahah ahahahahhah ahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhha hahahahahhahahh hahahhahahahhahahhah ahahhahahahahahhahahahha hahahhahhaahhhahahahh ahahhahhahahahhah ahhahhahahhahahhahhahhahh hahahahhahahhahhah hahahhahhahahahahahhahhahahhhah ah hahahah --thud!
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

The Greenies are kewl! I want one just for the lady-pleasing factor...

The SureFire Greenie at SHOT was as tight, and pure, and bright. I wants one! But they be expensive - So a "normal" greenie will have to do.

Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

I will say this. A person was fired from where I work for shining a laser around at people. Well also for shining it on certain women's body parts and making sexual comments. None of us felt sorry for him and some people were upset to the point of physical violence for having a laser flashed around their face. I was one of them and if the situation happened again, I would not hesitate to report it to the proper authorities. I have compromised vision to begin with and I don't consider lasers to be toys.
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

All in fun old boy. No offense intended. As
for picking on you alot, you make it so darned easy, i just can't help myself!
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

Aragorn, was that completely necessary?

Perhaps you've edited your last post by now, but one post with a PAGE FULL of "hahahahahahaha" is not funny. What was the purpose behind that waste of forum bandwidth and storage space?
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

Funny Aragorn, very funny. Your post was brought to the attn of 2 mods b-4 you edited it and removed your "grafitti". I also took the liberty of emailing it in its entirety to one of the mods. I have nothing against you sir, but the actions you just covered up with an edit were rather immature and deleterious to the forum. Plz have respect for this beneficial public place if you intend to be respected by its community.
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

Seriously Aragorn - several hundred lines of laughing isn't appropriate. Thanks for editing it to at least something manageable.

- Darell
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

Where can I get a greenie? and what is the most "reasonable" one to get, considering price, etc....

No, I'm not going to shine it in anyone's face....
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

I don't feel that Aragorn's HAHAHA's were
all that bad, he just got carried away.
( Thankfully Aragorn hasn't seen my EYEFRYER, or there
would be very little bandwidth left after
he used it all up begging for mercy!)
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

aawwww c'mon terrapin, he deleted them pretty quickly anyway......
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:
Here's where I got mine: http://z-bolt.com/generic27.html and they're $10 cheaper now than when I bought mine! Best green bang-for-the-buck that I know of for $159.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow! I had no idea laser pointers were still that expensive! Well, if you can really *see* the beam, I might have to get one...hehe...
Now, what is the difference between the two models? BTG 1 and 2???

They both run on AAA's....can they run ok on nimh AAA's? Anyone?

EDIT: OK, I guess the BTG 2 can shine a bit farther...but that's it, I guess...looks like I'm putting an order in for one! Anyone interested in a group buy? We could do the same thing as the Free Light group buy, and I can organize it....
(But maybe you guys might want to hold off until you receive your Free Lights...so you know I'm ok w/ your money?)
Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JollyRoger:
Wow! I had no idea laser pointers were still that expensive! Well, if you can really *see* the beam, I might have to get one...hehe...
Now, what is the difference between the two models? BTG 1 and 2???

They both run on AAA's....can they run ok on nimh AAA's? Anyone?

EDIT: OK, I guess the BTG 2 can shine a bit farther...but that's it, I guess...looks like I'm putting an order in for one! Anyone interested in a group buy? We could do the same thing as the Free Light group buy, and I can organize it....
(But maybe you guys might want to hold off until you receive your Free Lights...so you know I'm ok w/ your money?)

As far as I know, I think I'm the only one here who actually has both types from Z-Bolt. I've compared them and to me the BTS-2 definitely appears to have a brighter, more visible beam. Your mileage may vary, however..

Re: hahaha hahahaha(twitch) hahahaha(twitch twitch)hahahahahah- (faints while twitching)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aragorn:

that eyefryer- i have a 12pm so who cares

Get out of here with that wuss-light, my EYEFRYER will stomp your 12pm to pieces, then
sweep them into a little heap and set them
on fire! (really!)