Very interested in getting my Ham here in the States.. Has anyone else looked into or taken the "ham radio prep" course.. Is it even worth the $99 or is it bs?
$15 Ham licenses are really cool if you're interested in FT8, (google it) flying First-Person-View drones like DJI's FPV, or getting down and dirty with antenna designs and solar flares. As others have said, there are three levels; Technician, General, and Extra. The Tech' test is no harder than ohm's law and gives you hand-held radios, lots of free repeaters to extend your range city-wide, FT8 on 10-meters, FPV drones, and
global Morse-code DX'ing, if you're interested in that.
[putting on my asbestos skivvies] Imho, Twitter, Instagram, etc, have been like the asteroid that made Dinosaurs extinct to amateur rag-chewing. Some say FT8 is the holy grail now. You need a general-class license to DX voice and/or DX FT8
Generally, I recommend the GMRS license if you just want high-power walkie-talkie's for family members, off-road club members, etc. There is
no test, and a $35 fee covers you and your family for 10 years.
Please be advised that Ham licenses are
only for contacting other Ham licenses and it's illegal for Ham's to transmit on the GMRS/FRS frequencies at any power level unless they also hold a GMRS license, separately, and use FCC part 95 (read: GMRS) radios. Fyi, Ham radios are FCC part 97, and those can be twiddled a *lot* more than GMRS limited radios. Indeed; that's what ham's do!!
If you're still interested in Ham licensing at this point, I recommend reading KB6NU's
excellent No-Nonsense Study Guides
HERE. They're like Cliff's Notes; the Technician one is free, and the rest are reasonable. I self-studied those, practically blinded myself with free Flash-Cards from
hamStudy, and passed both Tech & Gen on 2/24/17 for $15 (and my Brother did too; it's better with a buddy)
That said, I'll finally answer your question
I haven't looked into the Ham Radio Prep course; it's probably not BS, but $99 seems steep when there's so much information on the Internet regarding the Technician and General class ham licenses. Please visit your
local Amateur Radio club to meet the Ham'sters in your area, they're usually eager to show off their equipment and accomplishments. They frequently have older hand-me-down equipment reasonably priced too
73's ~ William