Happiness is two custom Victorinox Swiss Army Knives!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 6, 2002
:goodjob: Thanks to Bill Evans over on SOSAK on knifeforums.com, I now have two perfect SAKS, one for work and one for play.

The Super Serrated Cybertool


I sent him (all used and bought second hand) a Mountaineer, Waiter, Cybertool, Explorer and Serrated Spartan to tear down and harvest parts out of. It ended up with serrated large blade, combo tool, metal file/saw, pliers, cybertool bit holder, magnifying glass, fold out the end phillips, corkscrew, precision screwdriver and stick pin. I wanted something that gave me the maximum density of tools that I would actually use at work (server room/desktop PC/AV equipment mostly) with as little extra as possible.

The Uber-Bundeswehr OHT!


Scissors, inline phillips and corkscrew harvested from an Outrider and put into the OHT.

I am very happy, geeking out on my new custom toys! :D
I must say those are very nice. I keep buying SAKs (latest is a Deluxe Tinker) in search of the "best", but maybe I need to go the custom route someday.

That's pretty cool! The GAK looks even more useful now. I'm currently carrying my Cybertool 41 to work everyday. I thought I would miss my leatherman, but I don't! The Cybertool is just as capable. I don't have any modded SAKs yet, but I did pick up a Spartan and Classic SD combo at Target this week on clearance. I seem to keep collecting SAKs :D
Nice... I was just wondering about something like that last week... I'd love a modded SAK. The base would have to be my Victorinox Picknicker, which is basically a big Spartan with a locking blade minus the small blade. Then put on the serrated blade from a OHT, add some nice black G10 scales and a clip, and ready...
Very nice revolvergeek. Bill is da man! He is a fine craftsman. :rock:

That is the best tool selection I've seen yet on a 111mm frame.