Happy Thanksgiving 2020! :)


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Happy Thanksgiving to you all,
Certainly this one will be different from ANY most of us have experienced.

Let's give thanks to what we can.
I am thankful that I am alive and hope that I will live through this pandemic.
My daughter and grandsons are with me, and I haven't lost a family member, even my 92 year old dad.

Let's be thankful that it has been discovered or admitted that the virus is airborne.

We have been informed that people without symptoms may have contracted the disease and can spread it.
That it has morphed into a more contagious disease (more or less deadly, has not yet been ascertained).
In Staten Island, NY, 33 infections were linked to a single party of 100.

The CDC and other medical experts implore you to keep the upcoming holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah, and others) to within your family household. Don't bring outsider's in. Not even family.

I recognize that not every one will do that. Honestly, I am not doing that. My son and his girlfriend will join my household of four. I have therefore decided to carry out precautions that have not been clearly laid out by governmental regulations or guidelines.

Long story short:
Outdoor dining is permitted due to the frequent change of air.
Indoor dining is cut off, or greatly reduced do to the fact that occupants may breathe in and swap around contaminated/stale air for 90 minutes or more. Patrons at the same table may be only two feet apart and spit into each other's face as they speak over the crowd, and music.

I put a 20 inch box fan, set on exhaust, in a window, in the room that we will eat in. (For a 20" box fan, the CFM can range from around 1000 CFM up to 2500 CFM.) We moved the dining table into the family room, 12' x 20" x 9' = 2160 ft cubed. Therefore with sloppy math the box fan on low can change the air in the room about every two minutes. I think that we would be ok with 12 people, but we are having 6.

If you want to get an idea of how to calculate number of people, and room size, vs rate of air exchange please look here.

I implore you. keep your family safe. If you have outsiders come into your family nook, put an exhaust fan in the window, and open a window at the other end of the house/apt.
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Movie beef here with a hot new girl friend who smells like arbys .or I'm alone no friends AA nasty letter from the county about my taxes. One of these shorts are true lol
Movie beef here with a hot new girl friend who smells like arbys .or I'm alone no friends AA nasty letter from the county about my taxes. One of these shorts are true lol

Try spell check what the he'll your never even close
Happy Thanksgiving Poppy.
If everyone was as sensible as you we'd have this thing beaten.
They've just annouced that the rectrictions over here will be relaxed for the Christmas hols, and I worry that people will just go bonkers for a few days and put the recovery back months.
We'll just stay put, and Facetime a few mates thamking Goodness that we live in an isolated place.
Turkey producers ran out of birds, and food banks were over loaded giving frozen turkeys away free

I prefer cornish hens they don't bite as hard :)
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.
Raggie33, he, he that autocorrect will get ya. I had to turn mine off.
I had a pet turky hen once Nnucklegary. That thing was a trip. I'm chuckling about it now as I'm writing.
Maybe today is a good day to not worry about what all is going on, but to give thanks for what isn't going on. Life is still good, but it could be worse. I mean well saying this, so I hope I don't rub someone the wrong way.

I say stupid stuff sometimes although I mean well, but I'm blonde....
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We had our usual crew minus 2 who were under the weather with fall allergy woes. Eight folks stayed 6 feet apart, fist bumped and used all disposable cups, plates and utensils. But then again we do that every year due to cold and flu season back when my frail pop was still with us.

I had window fans sucking air out in 4 locations. It was warm and humid so in reality it made the place more comfortable anyway. Things kicked off for an early supper and everybody left smiling and stuffed. They were forced to take leftovers, but we do that every year too.

We did the stealth thing where only 4 extra cars were parked out front just in case Mrs Cravitts decided to call the law on us. Christmas may be different because that is a different crop of folks in addition to the Thanksgiving crew. I suspect some will choose not to participate and that's cool. I don't mind the idea of no screaming little kids this year.
We had our usual crew minus 2 who were under the weather with fall allergy woes. Eight folks stayed 6 feet apart, fist bumped and used all disposable cups, plates and utensils. But then again we do that every year due to cold and flu season back when my frail pop was still with us.

I had window fans sucking air out in 4 locations. It was warm and humid so in reality it made the place more comfortable anyway. Things kicked off for an early supper and everybody left smiling and stuffed. They were forced to take leftovers, but we do that every year too.

It sounds like it was wonderful and safe.
Props to you my friend. :)
I won't tell a fib and say I did the math. But we did make sure nobody was in the path of outgoing air. I arranged things where people were in a C shape pattern with incoming air at everybodies back during the sit down and eat part. And the air was being sucked out on the opposite side of the room. Exhaust fans stayed on in bathrooms as well. We had a box of dental masks if anybody wanted one since they don't block voices very much. And everybody was offered their own sample sized bottle of hand sanitizer.

With logic and luck involved it was about as close to normal as any other year. Logic played a role in ensuring the air stayed fresh. Luck played a role with an almost summer like weather. We even considered doing it Pilgrim style out doors but everybody voted to keep it indoors. Some neighbors behind us did the Pilgrim thing but in a screened in porch. Some even wore costumes. It was nice to hear the children's laughter.

The man who owns the place has failing health. Everytime I cut grass this summer he'd wave me over to the corner of the yard and asks "how long have you lived here, do you like it here" and stuff like that even though I've known him most of my life. He was a "get off my lawn" type from way back when. He would be wearing a bath robe instead of his usual kakis and button up plaid shirt. But yesterday he was dressed like a Pilgrim instead of his bath robe.

So 2020 will be a memorable one for many. Good or bad. It gave us a chance to go over the year in stories and although we all respect the pandemic, we do not cower in fear of it. Most of the discussion was as if it was just another year. No politics, no religion, no pandemic, or complaining about work. Just regailing over times gone by with a happy tone.