Happy to be a new member!


Oct 13, 2001
Hi everybody,
I'm a new member, and I was surprised and delighted to discover candlepower forums, and to realize that other seemingly sane and rational people shared my "obsession" with things bright and beautiful. I was getting a little tired of the smiling tolerance I received from my family and friends about this "flashlight thing of mine", and I simply couldn't understand why people were not absolutely fascinated when I proudly showed them the latest light I had acquired. (usually LED, and sometimes Surefire-type "mini superbrights". I felt a little nervous about joing this forum because I've seen how technically knowledgeable and sophisticated some members are, and I don't expect to ever acquire one tenth of that expertise.However, I love flashlights (despite my girlfriend's snide remarks about a "Freudian" connection.)
At any rate, I'm happy to be a member, and I especially appreciate the courtesy, consideration and informed intelligence that people display at candlepower forums.
Welcome BrightNorm. Don't worry about other people. When it is dark or the power is out, you know who's name they will be calling for
I don't think that the pursuit of this hobby is Freudian in nature. In most cases the smaller the better...
Welcome, yes I too was amazed that so many people had the same obessions with flashlights that i do