harrow everyone, a newbie's question abt Opalec

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Sep 23, 2002
harrow everyone, a newbie\'s question abt Opalec

hi everyone,
have been lurking in this forum far too long and decided to register and post. in fact most or in fact all the post are polite and constructive
no flames or flame baits.
and best of all no question is too stupid to be answered.

ok, i got myself a Opalec New beam and it's my EDC. my question is does opalec have a luxeon 1W in their drawing board? IMHO their new beam is great and with a Luxeon 1W module it will be even better

Re: harrow everyone, a newbie\'s question abt Opalec

Welcome, Saint Tanic! (your handle is a little scary...)

Yes, the Opalec Newbeam is a fantastic piece of engineering indeed. I, for one, would like to see a Luxeon-based version as well, but my apologies - I dunno if they've got one on their drawing board yet.

If you want a current-regulated LS-based minimag replacement, a little closer to realization is Wayne's (dat2zip) Badboy sandwich, which is a drop-in (really - no soldering or filing) minimag 2AA replacement. Takes only 5 minutes or less to complete the transformation.

It offers full current regulation and the one (prototype) I have works excellently with nimhs. Brightness is mostly dependent on the individual LED used. Pea-green is yucky, but my badboy sandwich (which has a pea-green luxeon on it) is brighter than my Lambda Illuminator using one of those select blue-white luxeons. And we already know just how bright the LIs are

The only thing missing from the Badboy sandwich is the little red LED that indicates weak batteries.

With the badboy sandwich installed, there is still plenty of room left in the minimag head such that you have the option of using zero optics(wide even flood beam), NX05 or NX01 optics (narrow flood beam) or an acrylic ball (focused, long-throw spot beam).

I think Wayne is striving for a pre-X'mas CPF release, but don't hold me to this. So, if you really want a full-current-regulated, mildly overdriven luxeon-based drop-in minimag 2AA replacement, post your interest here so that Wayne knows the kind of support he'll have if and when he decides to roll out these babies.

EDIT: whoops - just noticed this msg is in the wrong forum - I think it belongs in the LED section or mods section...
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